1 year ago
Sporting Legacies: The Athletes' Time Capsule Athletes from different sports come together for the purpose of documenting what they have achieved, experienced, and the spirit of Sportsmanship. Athletes Journey Time Capsule is a symbol that all sports men have ever been committed, enthusiastic, persistent, etc. It is made up of personal items like photos, stories, letters that portrays the heart of their careers which will motivate generation after generation of sports men and women as well as fans. By such a symbolic act the sports legends want to perpetrate their reputation worldwide and show to the world their common way through it. Read More : https://www.buzzbii.com/journeyathletes5 #specialeventstimecapsuleyouthsports #athletesjorurneytimecapsule #Youthhockey #bestsportstimecapsule #timecapsuleathletesjorurney #athletesjorurneylifediaries #youthsportstimecapsuleprogram #Weddingmemories #Captureeverymomentdiariesinbuffalo