Managing Chronic Back Pain in Delhi | Pain Specialist in Delhi
We have all endured finite episodes of severe pain whether that is a fractured bone or severe migraine or throes of labour pains. While we may be fortunate enough to remember them as distant memories, those with constant pain are often denied this luxury of forgetfulness.
Their lives often encompassed around managing pain. Leaving aside the distress/agony it causes, it can cause other harmful effects on most body systems whether it is your mental/ emotional well being or your heart or your quality of life. Hence it is import to control it sooner rather than later.
Pain, although distressing, has the benefit of bringing medical problems to our attention. It usually abates as healing occurs. Chronic pain is pain that persists beyond the period of healing.
Traditionally pain is thought to represent ongoing damage in body. This is now considered incorrect especially in context of longstanding/ chronic pain. To simplify- CHRONIC PAIN DOES NOT ALWAYS SIGNIFY ONGOING DAMAGE.
Over the years, with the amount of research that has gone into the study of chronic pain, doctors now understand more about different facets of pain management — physiological, psychological, pharmacological, interventional etc. There is enhanced understanding of mechanisms which can cause amplification of perceived pain symptoms.
These advances and technological developments have enabled pain specialists to offer more to their patients. This stands true for back pain as well. While a significant number of people in a population suffer from back pain, fortunately for most this will resolve with time.
However a small proportion does go on to develop chronic pain. The severity can vary from mild discomfort to debilitating illness interfering with activities of daily living and limiting functionality. Pain management specialists use a combination of modalities and specialties known as multimodal multidisciplinary approach to effectively manage the back pain.
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