Neck Lift Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | West Hollywood CA
Either due to aging, weight gain or simply heredity, some of us begin to notice that are necks are getting “heavy” and losing their youthful sculpted contour. As this condition worsens, some people begin to notice sagging skin in the neck and the development of fullness underneath the chin (i.e. “double chin”). At this point, many people begin to become very unhappy with the appearance of their neck in the side (profile) view in photographs because it is making them appear older and overweight.
There are a number of anatomic factors that can cause fullness in the neck and a resulting loss of a youthful neck contour including an accumulation of fat, excessive loose skin, muscle “banding” and/or a “short” neck. The proper procedure to reverse aging of the neck is therefore based upon which anatomic factors need to be corrected.
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