Vision-related problems are most common nowadays. Wearing spectacles is sometimes difficult for the person. So to remove the spectacles and improve the vision and other eye problems, modern technology has come up with LASIK surgery. LASIK surgery is painless treatment and very effective to correct eye glasses numbers. It uses laser to treat corneal surface and curvature irregularities. The advantage of these modern techniques over ancient techniques is they do not cause any damage to the eyes and the surrounding tissue. The recovery rate is better in this treatment than in others. People who opt for LASIK surgery get normal eyesight without spectacles. Rarely do a few patients who undergo LASIK surgery need a touch up treatment the second time.
Lasik Surgery Touch Up Or Enhancement
LASIK surgery is the most common and most preferred for treating vision-related problems. This technique uses a laser procedure to correct vision-related problems and corneal irregularities. This technique is the alternative treatment for contact lenses and spectacles. More than 90% of the patients treated with this technique have successfully recovered from vision problems. Only 1 to 5% of the patients need to undergo the LASIK surgery enhancement. LASIK surgery enhancement means undergoing a touch up laser by relifting the corneal flap and applying some more laser to correct the residual power of the glass. It is not a failure of LASIK eye surgery but a difference in response of the laser to corneal healing. The results of LASIK surgery enhancement are very good and predictable compared to other surgical procedures when done twice.
Timing Between The Lasik Treatment And Enhancement
The most important thing for successfully enhancing LASIK or depends on the time between the first treatment and the second touch up treatment. The enhancement of LASIK surgery can only be done when the residual power of the eye is stabilized after the first LASIK surgery. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for 2-3 months before enhancement treatment .Sometimes blurred vision may occur after the first surgery, which may go within a few weak, so the first surgery can’t be assumed to not having given the desired result. If the vision is not back within a couple of months, the patient can undergo Touch up LASIK or enhancement.
Repetition Of Pre Lasik
The pre-LASIK evaluation needs to be done once again to confirm that touch up treatment is possible or not. Sometimes the corneal thickness may be inadequate in which case an enhancement is not possible. During pre-LASIK check, it is important to know whether the cornea is of specific thickness or too thin to undergo surgery. If the cornea of the patient is too thin, then the patient is unable to undergo second LASIK surgery.
Type Of Procedure Required For Repeating Lasik Surgery
The procedure for repeating LASIK surgery depends on the thickness of the residual bed below the flap and the type of procedure used in the first surgery.
Excimer laser ablation: If the thickness of the corneal bed is sufficient, then the excimer laser is used for ablation to correct the eyesight number. If sufficient thickness is not present, then other methods are adopted.
Surface ablation: In this procedure, the flap is not raised; instead, the laser is performed on the eye’s corneal surface. This procedure helps to correct the power even in cases where the corneal thickness is less and where touch up cannot be done on the strongly bed under the corneal flap .The patient is advised to put on antibiotic medication so the infection does not occur in the eye. LASIK surgery can be done more than twice, but it is not needed further because, in the first surgery, more than 95% of the patient’s vision is corrected. Therefore, only a few people need to undergo second LASIK surgery.
LASIK eye surgery is only the best way of removing spectacles. More than 98% of the people who have their lasik done get rid of their spectacles. LASIK surgery is not a short-term but a long-term treatment for vision-related. If residual power has remained, the patient can undergo second LASIK surgery without causing any damaging effect on the eyes. The Touch up laser surgery procedure is safe even when done the second time.
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Can Lasik Surgery Be Done Twice?
Vision-related problems are most common nowadays. Wearing spectacles is sometimes difficult for the person. So to remove the spectacles and improve the vision and other eye problems, modern...
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) - Ojaseyehospital
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding disease caused by abnormal development of retinal blood vessels in premature infants. Infants weighing about 2¾ pounds (1250 grams) or less and are born before 31 weeks of gestation are more likely to be affected by ROP. Retina of the eye is the innermost layer, that receives light and turns it into visual information that is sent to the brain.
In Premature babies, the blood vessels that feed the retina haven’t finished growing, and get disturbed growth pattern due to premature birth. When ROP is severe, it can cause retinal detachment and possible blindness. Smaller a baby at birth, more likely chances are that baby will develop ROP. This disorder affects mostly both eyes and is the most common cause of vision loss in childhood and can lead to lifelong vision impairment and blindness.
How common is ROP?
With recent advances in neonatal care, premature babies are saved and not all premature infants develop ROP. Out of 20 million children born annually in India and 0.6 million admitted to NICUs all over the country, about 10% of these infants are at risk of developing ROP. As per the figure given by Clare Gilbert in 2010, there are about 0.3 million blind children (>15 years of age) in India and 10% of them are blind due to ROP. There are approximately 3.9 million infants born in the U.S. each year. About 14,000 are affected by ROP and 400-600 infants each year in the U.S. become legally blind from ROP. About 90 percent of all infants with ROP are in the milder category and do not need treatment.
How ROP Develops?
Eye formation starts at 16th week of pregnancy. Blood vessels begin forming around optic nerve. These blood vessels grow towards the edges of the developing retina supplying oxygen and nutrients. In the last 12 weeks, eye matures rapidly and if a baby takes birth prematurely, normal vessel growth may stop and retinal edges may be devoid of nutrients and oxygen. According to some studies, periphery of the retina sends out signals for nourishment and as a result, new abnormal vessels begin to grow. These newly formed vessels are weak and tend to bleed, leading to scarring of retina and ultimately detachment. This is the prime cause for blindness in ROP.
Risk Factors for ROP
Factors contributing to the risk of ROP include anemia, blood transfusions, respiratory distress, breathing difficulties, Hyperoxia, Hypoxia, Hypotension and the overall health of the infant. The most important risk factors for ROP are prematurity and low birth weight. Phototherapy is also attributed to the development of ROP.
Signs of Retinopathy of prematurity:
ROP shows variety of presentations:
Avascular retina
Scarring or dragging of the retina
Vitreous hemorrhage
Cataract Development
Retinal detachment.
Do everyone need to see retina specialist
Premature babies before 30 weeks of gestation and babies who are underweight are at higher risk. These infants are always advised to visit eye doctor for checkup. Best time to visit retina specialist is preferred within 30 days of birth. Retinal screening done in this period is quite beneficial for the treatment of the infant.
Mild cases do not need any treatment, while in advanced cases a variety of treatment options are available. The most effective and proven treatment for ROP is laser therapy or cryotherapy.
Late stages may require scleral buckle or Vitrectomy
Scleral buckle – It is usually done in stage IV or V. A silicone band is placed around the eye, It keeps the vitreous gel from pulling on the scar tissue and allows the retina to flatten back down onto the wall of the eye. This band is removed later as eye continues to grow; otherwise infant will develop myopia.
Vitrectomy – This is performed in stage V only and involves removing the vitreous and replacing it with a saline solution. Once vitreous has been removed, the scar tissue on the retina can be peeled back, allowing the retina to relax and lay back down against the eye wall.
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Which are the methods Ojas eye hospital in Mumbai chooses for the evaluation of cataract treatment?
Visual acuity: Checking vision of both eyes unaided and aided with glasses and pin-hole vision to know the improvement as well as to get the general idea about the macular function of the eyes. This will help in the prognostic evaluation of visual recovery after cataract surgery.
Intraocular pressure: If intra-ocular pressure increases as secondary to cataract surgery are needed to prevent further complications.
Slit-lamp examination: To know the type of cataract along with its opacity, morphology, and etiology or any associated ocular pathology.
Cataract Surgery In India
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy: for complete retinal evaluation. Dense cataracts will prevent retinal evaluation and such cases need B-scan for retinal evaluation.
A-scan biometry: To calculate the AL and IOL power for implantation in cases of mature cataracts the posterior segment of the eye is evaluated.
Optical biometry: this is an advanced non-contact method to measure IOL power. It is patient friendly and highly precise
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Increase in technology development results in increase in the use of digital devices. About 75% of teenagers have smartphones and 25% teens are constantly connected to the internet.
More than 75% of teens have their social media accounts on different social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.
The COVID-19 pandemic also contributed a lot to the growing use of digital devices. It had changed the whole education system. Pandemic had made children more dependent on digital devices.
As much as the health of the children is at risk outside the home during a pandemic, it is equally compromised from staying inside the home due to the excessive use of digital devices.
Why There Is Increased Use Of Digital Devices By Children?
The pandemic majorly affects education along with the health of children. The classrooms of the schools are converted into computer or laptop screens at home.
Children have to spend most of the time on mobiles and the internet for their homework, online classes and many activities. COVID-19 pandemic restricts children involved in many outdoor activities such as playing, cycling etc.
Nowadays, parents give phones to children while doing house chores to keep them calm. At an early age of childhood, children have become a master of smartphones.
What Are The Common Eye Problems In Children Due To Digital Devices?
Keeping an eye on screens continuously for a long time can cause many eye-related problems such as
Computer vision syndrome
It is the eye strain caused due to increased exposure of eyes to the digital screen. It is a combination of symptoms that includes headache, fatigue, tired eyes, dry eyes and fluctuating vision. It also causes pain in the neck, back and shoulder.
Impairment in posture
Using a digital device for a long time in the same posture can cause muscle strain and tension which causes discomfort in the whole body mainly in the eyes, head, and neck.
Myopia (nearsightedness)
An increase in screen time also contributes to the development and progression of nearsightedness among children.
Increase blue light exposure
Blue light emitted from devices is very harmful to children’s eyes as well as their mental health. It can cause frequent headaches, fatigue and sleep disorders. You can also activate the eye protection feature now available on most devices.
Blurry vision
Staring at the same distance for a long time can cause the eye’s focusing system to go into spasm. It is noticed when the child looks away from the screen, and everything becomes a blur for some time.
Dry eyes
Children concentrate on digital devices for a prolonged time without blinking their eyes. The moisture content of the eyes evaporates easily. It results in dry eyes and causes discomfort in the eyes.
How To Manage The Digital Device Usage Time In Children?
Nowadays, it is very necessary to manage the digital device timings in children to prevent them from many adverse effects on health. As a parent what can you do to manage device usage? You can implement the following methods:
Don’t let your children sleep with mobile phones. Ask them strictly to keep all devices away for 1 hour before sleep.
Promote media-free time during dinner by turning off the TV and put the smartphone on ‘do not disturb’
Encourage your young ones to involve in different activities such as sports, exercise, and talking to each other.
You should also promote the 20-20-20 rule while using smartphones or laptops. The 20-20-20 rule states that a person should look away from the screen after every 20 minutes to focus on the object placed at 20 feet away, for at least 20 seconds.
You can encourage your children to take a few minutes break from the screen after every hour
Frequent blinking can reduce the chances of dry eyes. You can simply ask your child to blink more.
According to the experts, you can also follow the 1/2/10 rule that indicates the ideal position of digital devices from your eyes. For instance, the distance for mobile phones is 1 foot, for laptops or desktops 2 feet, and roughly 10 feet for televisions.
Regular eye examinations are preferred to maintain your child’s healthy eyes.
The use of digital devices is increasing day by day. Similarly, it also multiplies its adverse effect, especially in children. Parents need to restrict their young ones from not to expose to digital devices excessively.
Limiting exposure to devices and encourage engagement in various indoor activities such as talking, reading, etc can prevent your child from several eye problems. It also helps in enhancing mental health.
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Effect On Eyes In Children Due To Digital Devices
As much as the health of the children is at risk outside the home during a pandemic, it is equally compromised from staying inside the home due to the excessive use of digital devices.
The new coronavirus is causing havoc all over the world. This new coronavirus, known as COVID-19, causes respiratory illness. The most common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, coughing and breathing difficulties.
The virus can spread through infected droplets present in the surroundings. The droplets discharge from the nose or saliva of the infected person. The infected particles can enter through the nose, mouth as well as eyes. The virus can also cause conjunctivitis which is a rare condition. Avoiding touching the face, mouth, nose & eyes can prevent the virus spread to the human body.
Effect Of Covid-19 On Eyes
COVID-19 can cause conjunctivitis in rare cases. Conjunctivitis is also known as pink eye. Many doctors encounter that 1-3% of people with COVID-19 will get conjunctivitis. The virus infects the front layer of the eye that covers the white portion of the eye.
Patients with conjunctivitis may experience symptoms such as redness, swelling and itchiness in the eyes. Photopia, sensitivity to light is also reported in some patients. It does not mean that person having conjunctivitis necessarily has COVID-19. Over-the-counter medicines are beneficial in the treatment of many forms of conjunctivitis. The treatment takes 1-2 weeks to reduce the effect of conjunctivitis.
You should consult your doctor immediately if you have symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath. It will become a matter of concern if you have macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, regular eye infection, loss of vision, painful or red eyes, headache, nausea and vomiting along with common symptoms of COVID-19. Your doctor may suggest you some preventive measures.
Side Effects Of Covid-19 Vaccine
The vaccine allows the body to raise immunity. It activates T and B lymphocyte cells which recognize the target virus to produce antibodies in the body. In the process of building immunity, it becomes normal to experience mild side effects.
The side effects are often mild and last for only a few days. According to the CDC and WHO, the common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include fever, fatigue, headache, chills, body aches, nausea.
It might include swelling, pain, redness, an itchy rash and mild irritation around the injection site. The site of injection is usually the upper arm.
Does Covid-19 Vaccine Affect Eyes?
The fear of experiencing side effects of the vaccine is the primary reason for hesitation for vaccination among many people. However, no significant evidence has been found to show that a vaccine can cause any vision-related side effects.
The most common reactions that occur among patients are pain, swelling, and redness at the site of injection. Systemic symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, chills, and fever.
Various other vaccines, such as Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, Seasonal flu vaccine & Chickenpox, and Shingles vaccine, have side effects related to vision. These vaccines can cause mild to moderate side effects related to vision. There is no scientific evidence to prove that the COVID-19 vaccine can trigger vision-related problems.
The vaccine plays an essential role to curb the spread of the virus causing COVID-19. Medical treatments carry risks but most of the time these treatments prove to be beneficial. The vaccine does not give a 100% guarantee to provide complete protection against COVID-19. However, it helps in reducing the severity of symptoms if any person contracts COVID-19 in spite of taking full vaccination.
It is a must to keep social distancing, wear a mask in public & avoid touching the face, mouth, and nose. It is necessary to practice handwashing exercises frequently before touching the eyes, mouth, and nose.
With the progression every day, the world is preparing itself to look for a future beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no concrete evidence to indicate that the COVID-19 vaccine has vision-related side effects.
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Got eye problems in your twenties? Here’s how you can treat it
C3-R treatment to strengthen the cornea
The prior section in this website explained the cause of corneal weakening in keratoconus. Until recently, there was no method to change the integrity and strength of the cornea itself for keratoconus patients.
A non-invasive treatment C3-R (corneal collagen cross-linking with riboflavin) treatment has been proven to strengthen the weak corneal structure in keratoconus. This method works by increasing collagen cross-linking, which are the natural “anchors” within the cornea. These anchors are responsible for preventing the cornea from bulging out and becoming steep and irregular (which is the cause of keratoconus).
The figures above show the parallel corneal layers (white) and the collagen cross-linking (red) which are increased after C3-R treatment.
The 30-minute C3-R treatment is performed in our office and is a one-time treatment. During the treatment, custom-made riboflavin eyedrops are applied to the cornea, which is then activated by a special light. This is the process that has been shown in laboratory and clinical studies to increase the amount of collagen cross-linking in the cornea and strengthen the cornea. In published European studies, such treatments were proven safe and effective in patients.
The collagen crosslinking with riboflavin has its roots in dermatology. Doctors were looking for a way to strengthen sagging skin and realized that triggering collagen cross linking was the way to achieve this. The process was taken one step further by eye physicians in Germany who performed initial studies. They reported results of treatments done as long ago as 1998, so there is a good track record for this procedure. Links to these research publications can be found to the left side of this page. It is important to note in these studies that the proper dosages of the components are a very important part of the treatment. When used properly, there were no negative effects.
C3-R treatments can also be combined with Intacs to flatten the keratoconus cone even more than with Intacs alone. In these cases, C3-R treatments stabilize keratoconus from getting worse as well as help the Intacs reverse the keratoconus steepening that had already occurred up to the time of the treatment.
The figure above demonstrates almost 10 diopters of corneal flattening in one patient before (left) after this combined treatment (right).
Natural progression of keratoconus in a patient’s eyes over 1.5 years. Notice the dramatic lower cone steepening (red) and increased astigmatism over this short period of time. C3-R can halt this progression and prevent these progressive distortions in vision. Note: not all keratoconus progresses this rapidly.
Dr. Boxer Wachler was the first doctor in North America to use C3-R treatments for keratoconus as well as being the first doctor in the world to combine this treatment with Intacs.
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Got eye problems in your twenties? Here’s how you can treat it
C3-R treatment to strengthen the cornea The prior section in this website explained the cause of corneal weakening in keratoconus. Until recently, there was no method to change the integrity and...
Many people have complaints of seeing blurry objects which are at some distance. These people are able to see the things when they are near. The condition is called myopia and is also known as nearsightedness or short sightedness. It is a common vision defect of the eye. It occurs when the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina instead of on the retina. It results in a blurry appearance of the distant object.
Myopia gets worse as age advances and when it develops from early childhood. It can increase gradually or rapidly. It tends to pass from generation to generation. The risk of developing nearsightedness is increased if one of your parents is nearsighted. The risk of nearsightedness is still higher when both the parents are nearsighted.
What Is Myopia?
Myopia is a condition in which distant objects are not focused properly on the retina causing hazy vision and is correctable with concave lenses. The symptoms of nearsightedness are common and easy to understand by simple eye examination. The symptoms include
Blurry vision while looking at the objects from a far distance
Need to squeeze your eyes to see clearly from a distance
Difficulty in seeing while driving a car or bike
Myopia is a usual condition among children & it can be easily diagnosed by the symptoms that appear in early age .The symptoms may include
Excessive blinking
Difficulty in watching television, movie screen from a distance or sitting in front while studying in the classroom
Frequent Rubbing of the eyes
What Are The Causes Of Myopia?
Myopia is a refractive error in which the eye cannot focus the incoming light accurately on the retina. A myopic affected eye focuses light in front of the retina instead of focusing on it. The light rays cannot refract properly and cause a refractive error.
The eye has the cornea and the lens to focus the image onto the retina which is the light sensitive layer of the eye .Each of these focusing elements has a perfectly smooth curvature to bend or refract the incident light. A perfect shape of the cornea is required to form the image clearly and directly on the retina.
Myopia or nearsightedness occurs when the curvature of the cornea is compromised and image formation takes place in front of the retina. The person has difficulty seeing the objects at a distance & the distant images appear blurred.
Tips To Slow Down The Progression Of Myopia
A complete eye exam can diagnose nearsightedness which includes a dilated eye examination. It is a part of eye examination and involves before and after dilated eye checkup to get the correct eyeglass prescription. There are various ways to slow down the progression of myopia. Some of them are:
Put your phone away and try to engage in outdoor activities. It can protect your eyes from excessive device usage and keeps your eye and body fit.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses/corrective lenses
These devices contribute to clear the vision affected by the elongation of the eyeball or increase in curvature of your cornea. The devices can shift the focus of the incident Light to the exact nodal point on the retina. It depends on the eye examination whether you need to wear corrective lenses all the time or for a specific activity such as driving or reading in the classroom.
Topical eye drop medication with 0.1% Atropine drops administered once at night under close supervision of the eye doctor can prevent myopia progression in children in the growing phase and in whom there is an increase in myopia between quarterly or half yearly eye checkups.
Refractive surgery
Refractive surgery also referred to as laser eye surgery. The procedure includes reshaping the cornea to focus light on the retina. It is a permanent solution to remove contact lenses or eyeglasses. It is done to treat myopia in individuals above 18 years of age.
Lifestyle and home remedies also contribute in reducing the progression of nearsightedness. You can take the following preventions to slow down the progression of nearsightedness
Regular eye examination
Use of good lighting while studying or other works requiring near focus.
Wearing prescribed corrective lenses
Wear UV protected sunglasses
Take frequent breaks while using a digital device for long hours
Maintain blood pressure and diabetes
Proper exercise to reduce eyestrain
Consume healthy supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and vegetables.
Stop smoking
Keep children away from television or smartphone
Myopia can reduce the quality of life. You are not able to perform activities as you want because of limited or blur vision. You can prevent nearsightedness by adding various habits to your lifestyle like exercise, avoiding electronic devices. You can consult with your doctor and choose your eye wears accordingly. To get rid of eyeglasses or contact lenses permanently, you can go for a procedure such as refractive eye surgery.
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Tips To Slow Down The Progression Of Myopia
Myopia can reduce the quality of life. You are not able to perform activities as you want because of limited or blur vision.
How Car Or Two Wheeler Accidents May Cause Eye Injuries? - Ojas Eye Hospital
Good eye health and visual acuity are essential to provide a quality life to you and your family. Impaired vision can keep you away from the activities that make your life worthy of living. Trauma from an accident can cause lifetime of vision loss. Take good care of your eyes. Take suitable precautions while driving to protect your eyes from any trauma or injury.
Reason For Eye Injuries During Vehicular Accidents
An accident can cause an eye injury in several ways. Some of them are:
Eye injury due to striking of any object, such as dust particle or any metal object. It may occur if you had not worn a helmet with safety glasses while driving.
The explosion of an airbag during a collision
Blunt trauma due to striking of face on the steering wheel.
A piece of broken glass of windscreen entering the eyes.
Traumatic head injury may result in damage to the brain and optic nerve. The optic nerve damage may cause loss of vision.
Common Eye Injuries Due To Accidents
Various types of injuries may occur during an accident. Some of them are:
Lacerations and abrasion on eye surface: During a violent vehicle collision, a tiny particle of dust, debris, glass or any other object can enter the eyes. It causes severe pain and discomfort. If a large particle enters the eye during an accident, it results in corneal lacerations and abrasions. These conditions require urgent treatment to avoid partial or permanent vision loss.
Orbital Fracture: It is a result of blunt trauma in the region of the face and ocular region. It occurs when the head strikes on an object with more diameter than the width of the orbital outlet, such as car steering. The treatment of such injury depends upon the force of impact and the severity of the injury. Your doctor may advise you to undergo a comprehensive ocular examination to determine the extent of the damage.
Chemical burns: When the eyes are exposed to any chemical (gas, liquid or solid), it may lead to chemical eye burn. The severity of the chemical burn depends on the amount and type of chemical substance. The symptoms of chemical burns are eye redness, pain, irritation, swelling and blurry vision.
Retinal detachment: Most of the vehicles have airbags for safety purposes. It plays as a valuable lifesaver during accidents. However, the explosion of an airbag can also cause damage to the retina of the victim’s eye. The airbag explodes with a violent force. Sometimes the airbag burst force is so severe that there is a loss of connectivity between the retina and the entire eye leading to retinal detachment. It requires emergency surgery to prevent vision loss.
Damage to the optic nerve: The optic nerve is a connection between the eye and the brain. The fluid that surrounds the nerve creates high pressure after the accident. The high pressure because of trauma leads to optic nerve concussion injury leading to optic nerve damage. It can cause visual distortion, blindness and severe vision impairment, even after the proper treatment.
Optic neuropathy due to trauma: It is a condition of indirect acute nerve injury resulting in vision loss. It occurs due to the penetration of bony fragments into the optic nerve. The symptoms of optic neuropathy are blurry vision and colour vision loss and sometimes partial or complete vision loss.
Hyphema: Injuries due to an accident can cause bleeding of an eye between the cornea and iris. This condition is called hyphema. It is a medical emergency, and the patients experience light sensitivity, blurry vision and pain.
Vitreous haemorrhage: A clear jelly-like substance present in the centre of the eyeball is vitreous. The bleeding can be caused due to head injury or eye injury resulting in rupture of blood vessels in the retina of the eye and blood in the vitreous cavity.
Black eye: The trauma causes discolouration beneath the skin of the eyes. It occurs when the blood vessel or capillaries under the skin rupture and blood leaks into the surrounding tissue.
How To Prevent Eye Injuries While Traveling In A Car?
The experts say that over 90% of eye injuries can be prevented by following certain precautions. The leading cause of sight-threatening eye injuries is small flying objects such as bits of metal, stone or glass and windblown particles such as sand dust. You can protect yourself from these dangers with close-fitting protective eyewear to keep objects from striking into your eyes. You can choose safety glasses that include lenses made of impact-resistant material such as polycarbonate. Wearing a seat belt is essential to prevent any head injury.
An accident occurs in a blink of an eye. However, precautions and quick actions in an emergency can protect you and your family from severe injuries. It is required to seek immediate medical attention after an accident. Delay in management of eye injuries due to accident may result in permanent loss of vision.
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Dr. Niteen Dedhia - Best Eye Surgeon In Mumbai & Best Lasik Specialist Mumbai, Bandra, Kandivali
Dr. Niteen Dedhia is a Best Eye Surgeon in Mumbai & Best Lasik Specialist Mumbai. He specializes in Cataract Surgery, Bladeless Lasik, LASIK Treatment, Refractive Surgery, Retina Surgery, Custom...
Diabetes is considered a metabolic disease. In diabetes, there is an interference in the sugar metabolism. The body may not produce sufficient insulin or cannot use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone used to break sugar into glucose and provide energy to the body.
An insufficient amount of insulin results in an increase of glucose levels in the blood and causes hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia hurts various parts of the body, including the eyes. If the blood sugar level of the body becomes low, it may lead to dizziness and dim vision. The condition is opposite to hyperglycemia and is known as hypoglycemia.
Blurry vision can be the first sign of eye damage due to diabetes. The patient should visit the doctor for an ocular checkup.
Diabetes and eye damage
Diabetes may cause various eye diseases, such as cataracts, optic nerve disease, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.
The formation of a cloudy layer occurs within the lens of the eye. You should consult with your ophthalmologist for an eye evaluation. A cataract may lead to blurry vision. People with diabetes are more susceptible to cataracts. Other symptoms of cataract include:
Light sensitivity
Double vision
Blurry vision
An increase in fluid pressure within the eyes is responsible for damaging the optic nerve and developing glaucoma. The risk of developing glaucoma is twice in a diabetes patient than a healthy person. Symptom may include:
Redness in eyes
Pain in eyes
Nausea and vomiting
Macular oedema
The swelling of the centre of the retina (macula) that gives sharp vision is known as macular oedema. Swelling may lead to leakage of fluid and may be due to diabetic retinopathy. Symptoms of macular oedema are change in colour vision and wavy vision.
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that may be associated with loss of vision and blindness in people with diabetes. It happens due to damage to the light-sensitive layer of the retina. Either people who have type 1 or type 2 both are susceptible to develop diabetic retinopathy.
The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy might not appear in the early stage. The appearance of symptoms takes place with the progression of the disease. The symptoms may include:
Blurry vision
Affected colour vision
Loss of vision
The appearance of dark spots in vision
Fluctuation in vision
Factors that may increase the risk of eye diseases are:
Longer duration of diabetes
High Blood pressure
High cholesterol level
Uncontrolled sugar levels
Regular use of tobacco
Diabetic retinopathy can lead to other serious eye problems. Problems associated with diabetic retinopathy are:
Diabetic macular oedema (DME) – People with diabetic retinopathy have a high risk of developing DME. It happens due to the swelling of the macula and leakage of fluid. It may lead to blurry vision.
Neovascular glaucoma – Diabetic retinopathy can cause the development of abnormal blood vessels from the retina into the angle of anterior chamber of the eye. It blocks the fluid to drain out from the eyes.
Retinal detachment – Diabetic retinopathy can cause the formation of scars in the back of the eye. The pulling of the retina from its base is called tractional retinal detachment.
How to protect your vision when you have diabetes.
There is no perfect method to prevent diabetic retinopathy. However, several measures may help you to reduce the risk of this condition. These are:
• Regular physical activity may help in reducing the risk of diabetic retinopathy.
• Incorporating healthy eating habits into your routine life
• By taking oral medications or insulin injections for diabetes to control blood sugar
• Frequently monitoring the blood sugar level.
• Control the blood sugar level and cholesterol level
• By reducing intake of tobacco or quit smoking
• By contacting your doctor when experiencing sudden changes in vision
The risk of eye disease increases when you are a diabetic patient. A comprehensive examination of the eye at regular intervals is necessary to keep your eyes healthy. Regular eye checkups help in preventing complications related to diabetic eye disease. It also helps in the early diagnosis and management of the disease. In some cases, treatment can prevent you from a progressive damage to the eye. The use of eye drops and other medications also help in the treatment along with laser and retinal and cataract surgeries.
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Preventing Eye Damage Due To Diabetes
Diabetes is considered a metabolic disease. In diabetes, there is an interference in the sugar metabolism. The body may not produce sufficient insulin or cannot use insulin properly. Insulin is a...
COVID-19 may also spread through eyes, although the incidences are very less. Further, COVID-19 may also affect the health of the eyes. The person should follow various measures toprevent the entry of Coronavirus through eyes.
How Covid Affect The Eyes?
Coronavirus affects the eyes in a variety of ways. The ways include:
Contracting infection: Coronavirus spreads through the mucus membrane. Whenever a person infected with Coronavirus speaks, coughs, or sneezes, the droplet containing the virus may stickto the mucus membrane of the nose or mouth and can get inhaled. Similarly, the eye also has amucus membrane known as the conjunctiva. Thus, when the droplets containing the virus stickson the conjunctiva, it may lead to infection. However, the infection due to the ocular channel israre. Further, when a healthy person touches the infected surface and then touches the eyes ornose, he may contract the infection. There is no evidence that coronavirus causes serious damage to the eyes.
Ocular abnormalities due to coronavirus: People with coronavirus infection may have variouseye symptoms. In a study conducted on 38 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, approximately 32% of the patients had ocular symptoms. The symptoms were more severe inpatients with severe pneumonia. Only a single patient was found in the study, who hadconjunctivitis as the initial symptom. Ocular symptoms present in the patients include conjunctivitis, epiphora, conjunctivital hyperemia, and increased level of secretions. Thus, ocular implications may also cause due to coronavirus infection.
Who Is At Risk For Increased Risk Of Infection Through Eyes?
Following are the people who are at increased risk of getting the infection through the eyes:
People with dry eye disease as there is no natural lubrication to flush the virus.
People wearing contact lenses without maintaining hygiene
People who are in the constant habit of touching their eyes.
People who are in proximity of COVID-19 patient who is asymptomatic and do nor worna mask.
How To Protect Eyesf From Covid?
Following are some of the methods to prevent ocular infection:
Wash your hands frequently: Washing hands is considered one of the most effective measuresto reduce transmission of infection. You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Thewashing should be done at frequent intervals. You can also sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer in which the alcohol content should be at least 60%.
Wear sunglasses while going out: While going out, you may use the sunglasses to have an extralayer of protection over your eyes. While the face mask is mandatory to prevent the spread ofinfection, you may increase your protection by wearing sunglasses.
Switch to eye-glasses: People who wear contact lenses may switch to spectacles for the time being. This is because people who wear contact lenses tend to touch their eyes more frequentlyas compared to people who do not wear them. However, if you opt for wearing lenses, makesure you follow proper hygiene.
Avoid rubbing eyes: Avoid rubbing your eyes. Stay away from the environment that increasesthe risk of ocular irritation such as environment with dust.
Wearing face shield: Please note that the spectacles and sunglasses do not provide completeocular protection from COVID-19 infection. If you are taking care of the COVID-19 patient, weara face shield.
Lubricants: To reduce irritation, and frequent ocular rubbing, administer lubricants in the eyes.
Tags = #EyeHospitalinMumbai, #BestEyeHospitalinMumbai, #BesteyesurgeoninMumbai