

3 years ago
Chris Elston (Billboard Chris) is a dad of two girls from Vancouver, BC who is travelling North America to spread awareness about the harm coming to thousands of children with gender distress, who are given experimental puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in order to change their sex. #BillBoardChris #ChrisElston #Zuby https://youtu.be/RfZg7SnMawY
Real Talk with Zuby #182 - Billboard Chris | Gender Dysphoria
3 years ago
Is Canada starting to wake up to Gender Ideology yet? School protest sparks intense counter-rally by trans youth, activists! #CBC #BillboardChris #ChrisElston #Canada #Tranada #Ottawa #TransYouth #GenderIdeology #OCDSB #TransgenderChildren #TransKids #PubertyBlockers #CrossSexHormones https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-transgender-school-protests-1.6217165
3 years ago
Canada’s gender ideology obsession! #OliviaHartley speaks to #ChrisElston aka #BillboardChris about the progression of gender ideology in Canada. #Canada #Tranada #GenderIdeology #PubertyBlockers #GenderDysphoria #Dysphoria #Transgender #Trans #Transdebate https://thecritic.co.uk/canadas-gender-ideology-obsession