

2 years ago

What Type Of Cataract Lenses Are Best For You?

What Is Cataract? A cataract is an age-related problem that involves the lens of the eye. In this condition the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and the patient feels that they are looking from a cloudy and blurry piece of glass. The cloudy vision caused by cataract causes difficulty in reading and driving especially at night or dark light. In most cases, cataract develops slowly and do not cause any symptoms. The disease is progressive and with time it worsens and causes blurry and cloudy vision. Initially, the cloudy vision can be countered with the use of glasses and contact lenses. However, these are not permanent treatments for this condition. As the condition progresses, these methods fail to deliver the visual acuity and the patient is left only with the option of cataract surgery. How Is Cataract Surgery Performed? Cataract surgery is done to replace the cloudy cataract lens with an artificial lens. A widely used advanced surgery to treat the cataract is known as phacoemulsification. At the start of surgery, the surgeon injects anesthetic solution around eyes or administer numbing eye drops in the eye. After this process, the surgeon makes an incision on cornea. The size of the incision is between 1.8mm to 2.75mm. The surgeon then inserts a small ultrasonic device in the eye to destroy cloudy cataract lens in small pieces. The tool which is inserted in the eye causes vibration to chop the lens and fragments of the lens completely mixes in the lens material. The lens material istaken out of the eye through the probe tip After removing the lens material, the surgeon will insert a hollow tube to implant the intraocular lens into the lens’ natural capsule Once the lens is placed in the eyes, it unfolds and takes an actual position in the eyes. In most cases, the incision does not require any type of stitching This surgery is commonly performed as an outpatient because this surgery gets completed in about 30 minutes and patients do not require staying in a hospital. To minimize side effects and obtain the desired level of vision after cataract surgery, the patient should opt for the best doctor performing cataract surgery in India. What Are The Various Types Of Lenses Used To Treat Cataracts? Monofocal lens: It is the most common type of cataract lens. The main advantage of this lens is that it is available in different focusing distance such as far distance, near distance and intermediate distance. The patient can choose the lens with the right distance to increase comfort. Light cannot be focused simultaneously from both and near objects on the cornea with this type of lens. When light enters inside the eye, going through monofocal lens present in its path, it forms a single focal point on the retina. Toric intraocular lens: The toric intraocular lens is decent for the treatment of cataract and also improves astigmatism in patients. Toric intraocular lens increases the rotational stability of eye Multifocal intraocular lens: Multifocal lens is suitable for those patients who want to achieve a correct vision at all distance. The multifocal intraocular lens is generally used in patients suffering from presbyopia. Implantation of this lens decreases the need for wearing glasses during reading and while working on a computer. Aspheric intraocular lens: This type of lens is used to improve image quality. The aspheric lens improves the minor optical imperfection which may be occurred due to higher-order abrasion. In this condition, the quality of vision is continuously reduced especially in dim light. This lens is useful for those people who drive at night. Accommodating intraocular lens: Accommodating intraocular lens does work like a mono-focal lens. To overcome the impact on accommodation after cataract surgery, accommodating intraocular lens generally used. What Are The Precautions After Cataract Surgery? Post-operative eye drops: Post-operative eye drops may consist of antibiotics, NSAIDs, and steroidal drugs. The post-operative eye drops protect the eye from any type of infection and reduce inflammation. The risk of infection is significantly increased after cataract surgery. Thus, the patient should strictly adhere to the prescription. Eyeshield: Use eye shields during sleeping to protect your eyes. You can use dark glasses at day time. Wash your eye shield and eyeglasses every day and dry them after every wash. Washing the face: Wash your eyes according to the instruction given by your surgeon. Skip splashing water in eyes during the healing process. Physical activities: Avoid physical activities for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Physical activities to be avoided are walking, watching TV for a prolonged period, too much talking, jogging, swimming, playing sports, cooking and gardening. Makeup: Do not apply eye makeup such as eyeliner, mascara, etc. at least four weeks after cataract surgery. Tag = #CataracttreatmentinMumbai #Cataractspecialistinmumbai #CataractsurgeryinIndia #eyehospitalinMumbai #eyecarehospitalinKandivali
2 years ago
How Do I Decide Whether To Have A Cataract Surgery? How Do I Choose Whether I Should Get a Cataract Surgery? Tell your Doctor how your cataract affects your vision & your life. You and your Doctor can decide accordingly. I do not see well enough to do my best at work I do not see well enough to do things I need to do at home. I do not see well enough to do things I like to do. (E.g. T.V. sw, play cards, go out with friends.) I am afraid I will bump into something or fall. I am not as independent as I was earlier. My glasses do not help me see clearly. Driving is a problem at night and there is too much glare from headlights. Tag = #CataractsurgerycostinMumbai #CataractsurgeryinMumbai #CataracttreatmentinMumbai #CataractspecialistinMumbai #EyeCareHospitalinKandivali For More Information www.cataractindia.in or www.ojaseyehospital.com
3 years ago

Benefits Of Cataract Surgery in India - Cataractindia

BENEFITS: improvement in activities- such as driving/reading/working/social activities/hobbies. What you should know/do before going for cataract surgery. General health status should be known. Any active diseases should be treated before cataract surgery. A preoperative investigation like blood tests, ECG, dental check-ups should be done. Carry out the pre-operative instruction as per the scheduled date & time. Pre-Operative Instructions: To have light breakfast 4 hrs before arriving at the hospital. To put the eye drops as instructed 3 days prior to the date of the surgery & in the morning of the day of surgery in the eye to be operated on. To take the dose of regular medication which you are already taking. To take a head bath and dress comfortably. To be accompanied by not more than 2 persons. To carry the operation file, reports, sunglasses, and necessary medication. To register at the reception counter for admission. To read and sign the consent form for the operation and take instructions from the optometrist. If for some reason you have any questions, the doctor or one of the optometrists would be able to answer them before the surgical treatment is begun. To stop blood-thinning or any anti-inflammatory medications including Aspirin 3 days prior to the surgery day. Plan to have someone drive you home following surgery. Plan to have a parent or legal guardian with a disabled person. If any change in appointment, call up the center & inform a day prior to the date of operation. Wear comfortable clothes. Do not apply make-up or wear jewelry. Do not carry expensive goods with you. Tag = #CataractSurgeryinIndia #CataractTreatmentinMumbai #CataractspecialistinMumbai #CataractsurgeoninMumbai #BestCataracthospitalInMumbai #EyeHospitalinMumbai For More Information https://www.cataractindia.in/benefits+risks+of+cataract+surgery+cataract+surgery+india+cataract+treatment+mumbai.html
4 years ago

Living with Cataract - Ojas eye hospital in Mumbai

Collagen Protein that makes the lens of the eye gets degenerated and vision becomes blurry as the cataract progresses. So, it is always recommended to have a routine eye examination done periodically, even if the cataract is not a problem yet. If you wait and delay the treatment, not only you deprive yourself of good vision but with time chances of successful surgical and visual outcome decreases and there is more susceptibility to develop complications. What are the symptoms of cataract? In the early stage symptoms can be so mild that patient might not notice any vision problems and it is usually diagnosed on routine eye check up. Later on patient may complain of hazy and blurry vision, glare, double vision and poor night visibility. To reach at legally blind level, collagen protein clumping has to cover the entire eye lens leading to complete loss of vision. Moderate symptoms are blurred vision, losing the ability to identify true colour and loss of depth perception, halo formation around the light, increased sensitivity to light and starburst. Clouding of vision hampers with routine activities like reading, cooking, outdoor movements and watching television. Initially eyeglasses can be of some use, but in advanced cases, cataracts are not only difficult but may have complicated outcomes. For example, people with impaired vision may end up in automobile accidents while driving, fractures can happen due to falls while roadside walking. Can cataract treatment reverse the vision problem? The good news is, yes it can reverse the vision problem. As eye is made up of protein and water, with age, the eye lens becomes more rigid and lens protein fibers stick to each other and clumping occurs and it blocks the vision. With the advent of Intraocular lens, getting back your vision is a possibility and having normal eyesight is possible. Cataract surgery is a safe procedure and carried out routinely across the globe. Best results are achieved mostly in those cases where, blindness has not yet occurred due to cataract. There are multiple options of intraocular lens today like monofocal lens, multifocal lens or toric lens. These different types of lenses are recommended for different types of defects like nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Can we stop the progression of cataract? As in most cases, cataract is age related, yet lifestyle changes can help in delaying the potential effects of cataract. Stop smoking and alcohol use – As healthy lifestyle, these habits deteriorates overall health and may lead to the birth of diseases like diabetes, heart conditions and cataract as an associated eye problem. Eating fresh fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, helps in postponing eye diseases. What happens if cataract is left untreated? First of all, cataract surgery is not recommended for everyone and is decided by your eye doctor after the clinical examination. Cataract surgeries are performed in those cases mostly when, patient visibility is hampered at a level that daily activities might lead to dangerous events in the patients daily activity or to the mates around him. Delaying cataract surgeries may lead to development of a condition known as hyper-mature cataract. This condition may affect the outcome or prognosis of cataract surgery and may result in multiple complications. Few types of cataract have been associated with other eye diseases which are often found hidden behind the opaque lenses and are discovered by ophthalmologist in routine eye examination. To learn more about eye problems and help you to decide for eye surgery, please call us for appointment at +91-9137462795 and meet our experts at Roseland Building, Junction of Linking Road and Waterfield Road, Bandra, Mumbai- 400050. India. Tags = #CataracttreatmentinMumbai #CataractspecialistinMumbai #CataractsurgeryInIndia #BestCataracthospitalInMumbai #CataractsurgeoninMumbai #CataractSurgeryinMumbai