

3 years ago
Now spineless Starmer won’t even defend biological reality After refusing to say that only women have cervixes, Keir Starmer will lose even more working-class voters. Imagine if the leader of a mainstream political party went on TV and said, ‘The Earth is flat’. Or ‘Man didn’t walk on the Moon'. Or ‘Dinosaurs never existed’. You’d think him mad. You certainly wouldn’t feel inclined to vote for him. And yet Labour leader Keir Starmer did the equivalent of this on The Andrew Marr Show this morning. Marr asked Starmer, ‘Is it transphobic to say only women have a cervix?’. Starmer’s reply was positively bonkers. That is ‘something that shouldn’t be said’, he told Marr. ‘It is not right. #Starmer #KeirStarmer #Cervix #Cervixes #OnlyWomenHaveaCervix #SpikedOnline #Marr https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/09/26/now-spineless-starmer-wont-even-defend-biological-reality