

Wound Care Surgeons - Providing Advanced & Personalized Wound Care California is a team of qualified & dedicated doctors, surgeons, nurses & physicians provide high-standardized & quality wound care treatment for chronic wounds. Did you know that more than 6 million people in the US suffer chronic wounds? Chronic wounds are wounds that take a longer time to heal and require advanced medical treatment & care. Many factors contribute to wound healing, including age, underlying condition, lifestyle, etc. In addition to diabetes, patients who are diabetic or have poor blood flow to the wound site experience a slow healing rate. Chronic wounds can lead to a severe infection or even limb amputation if not treated on time. Wound Care California can help patients treat chronic wounds in the comfort of their homes by incorporating a personalized treatment plan focused on accelerating wound healing speed and patients’ specific requirements. Read more: https://www.fuzia.com/article_detail/784090/wound-care-surgeons-providing-advanced-personalized #Chronicwounds #BedsideCareSpecialistUSA #WoundCareCalifornia #WoundCare #diabeticwounds #wounds #surgicalwound
Wound Care Tips For Caregivers Most patients are provided with some level of care & support by their loved ones or family members after getting treated for their chronic wounds. However, in the case of older persons or people with any type of disabilities, every day brings a long list of duties for caregivers. From cleaning & changing bandages to giving medications, to taking precautions such as using mild soap and water when bathing and applying lotions, it is so overwhelming for the people providing in-home wound care. As the primary caregiver, the most important job is to prevent infection as it can disrupt the wound healing process and can be life-threatening. To help those caregivers in enabling improved wound care at home, this blog explained some tips. These tips will help you ensure how to prevent new wounds from forming and take effective care of them. While these suggestions should be useful in many cases, it is recommended to consult with wound care at bedside. Read more: https://www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/wound-care-surgeons-canoga-park-ca/2022/9/Wound-Care-Tips-For-Caregivers/2315419 #chronicwounds #Pressureulcers #pressureulcertreatmentLosAngeles #woundcaretreatmentCalifornia #woundcaretreatmentCalifornia #WoundCareTips #Caregivers
Wound Specialist Near Me If you are suffering from any type of chronic, non-healing or surgical wounds, then, a wound specialist near me is your one-stop destination. With a highly-trained, experienced & expert team of physicians, doctors & nurses, they are facilitating quality, advanced & high-standardized wound care services in the comfort of patients’ homes. Wound Care Surgeons adopt a multidisciplinary approach to treatment and utilizes the latest techniques & procedures to ensure proper healing of chronic wounds. Our services include: 1. Feeding Tubes Services 2. Pressure Ulcers 3. Diabetic Ulcers 4. Arterial Ulcers 5. Venous Ulcers 6. Wound Vac 7. Chronic Osteomyelitis 8. Gangrene 9. G-Tube site 10. Malignant wound 11. Infected wound 12. Surgical Wound 13. Moisture Lesions 14. Traumatic Wounds 15. Burns Scalds Wound specialist near me visits the patient’s location. They evaluate their wound condition, ask for any medical history and provide a personalized treatment plan focused on effective healing of an individual. They are ultimately saving the patient’s time, money, and energy by reducing multiple visits and readmission rates in the healthcare centers. Visit us: https://www.woundcaresurgeons.org/ #Woundspecialistnearme #chronicwounds #wounds #WoundCareSurgeons
An Overview To Complex Wounds - Symptoms, Risk Factors & Treatment Complex wounds are acute or chronic wounds that are difficult to heal with traditional treatment and require a significant period to heal. Know more about it. Complex wounds are difficult to heal and pose a significant challenge for health care facilities. They make the treatment difficult and cause frustration, discomfort & pain not only in patients but the caregivers also. In this blog, we are explaining what Complex wounds are, their risk factors, symptoms, and treatment. What are Complex Wounds? Complex wounds can be described as acute or chronic wounds that don’t heal with the conventional treatment within a standard period and causes severe damage to both the epidermal, and dermal layers of the skin along with underlying tissues. For example, when a body suffers any injury, the first step towards treatment is cleaning the wound and applying a suitable bandage to protect it from any infection. Within a few weeks, the skin heals itself. However, there are certain situations where the wounds have difficulty in healing promptly. These heard-to-heal wounds are known as “Complex Wounds”. Read more: https://wound-care-surgeons.my-free.website/blog/post/2039779/an-overview-to-complex-wounds-symptoms-risk-factors-treatment #Complexwounds #chronicwounds #WoundCareinOrangeCounty #wounds #Pressurewounds #Diabeticfootulcers #woundcareLosAngeles
How Does Hypertension Affect Pressure Ulcers? Pressure ulcers or pressure sores or bed sores are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that occurs due to prolonged pressure on a particular part of the body, especially on the bony parts such as Heels, Elbows, and base of the spine, etc. It most commonly occurs in patients who spend most of their time in one place. For example, bedridden or confined to a wheelchair or people with other mobility issues, etc. It can develop over hours or days. If they are left untreated, it can lead to severe medical complications such as Infection, Amputation, etc. Are You Suffering From Any Of These Symptoms? ​Here are the warning signs of pressure wounds: 1. Pain or itchiness in the affected area 2. Skin discoloration 3. Swelling 4. Bad odor or drainage from the wound 5. An area of the skin feels cooler or warmer to touch than other areas 6. Redness of the skin 7. Sores on the back, hips, buttocks, etc. ​ If a patient notices any of these symptoms, he/she should schedule a bedside appointment with a wound doctor. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeon.weebly.com/blog/how-does-hypertension-affect-pressure-ulcers #wounddoctor #Pressureulcers #pressureulcer #VenturaCounty #chronicwounds #woundhealingexperts
Wound Care Doctors Why Should I Visit Wound Care Doctors For Wound Treatment? Most minor wounds such as cuts or scrapes can be easily treated at home with first aid treatment or by primary care physicians. But when a wound is deeper and complex to heal, it requires advanced treatments, techniques & technologies to help patients recover quickly from a chronic, non-healing wound. Defining Wound Care Doctors Wound care doctors are professionals who are specialized in the care & treatment of acute, chronic or non-healing wounds. Acute wounds include cuts from surgical procedures or animal bites, and burns etc. while chronic wounds include pressure sores, venous ulcers or diabetic ulcers. The team of wound care doctors visits the patient’s location to examine and measure the wound. They check if the circulation is proper to the affected area and also go through your medical history. They try to find the cause of the injury or infection such as poor blood circulation, mobility issues, inappropriate diet or any medical conditions. Then, they come up with an appropriate treatment plan based on the patient's utmost comfort & proper healing of wounds. Visit us: https://woundcaresurgeons.org/about-us #WoundCareDoctors #wounds #woundcare #chronicwounds
Treatment Approaches For Chronic Wounds Chronic wounds are those that take a significant amount of time to heal properly like months and require advanced medical care & attention instead of traditional treatment. In simple words, when a minor or acute wound becomes infected and doesn’t heal within weeks or months, it is a chronic wound. Factors contributing to a chronic wound include: 1. Surgical wounds that are reopen 2. Constant/extreme pressure on a significant body part especially the bony area ie. Pressure Ulcer. 3. Lack of blood supply to the foot and back to the heart due to venous insufficiency known as Venous Ulceration and requires an appointment with a venous ulcer specialist. 4. Increased bacterial invasion 5. Inappropriate treatment 6. Any underlying medical conditions such as high BP 7. Obesity 8. Smoking habits 9. Poor diet 10. Fewer body movements etc. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeons340258783.wordpress.com/2022/06/21/treatment-approaches-for-chronic-wounds/ #ChronicWounds #woundcaretreatmentCalifornia #venouslegulcerspecialist #wounds #legulcerwoundtreatment
How To Take Care Of Chronic Wounds At Home? What Is A Chronic Wound? ​A wound is any type of injury or breakage in the skin or deep tissue. However, most of these wounds are minor or acute that heal on their own within a significant period like a few days or in some cases weeks if the injury is severe. But when acute wounds don’t heal properly within days or weeks or become infected, they are known as Chronic Wounds and require advanced medical care. In simple words, when acute wounds take longer than four weeks to heal after getting initial treatment, it becomes a chronic wound and requires wound care treatment California. In this blog, we will discuss everything that you need to know about chronic wounds. 1. When Are The Chances Of Developing Chronic Wounds? 2. What Should I Do To Heal My Chronic Wounds Faster? To avoid any upcoming complications or infections, it is vital to take very good care of chronic wounds such as diabetic or venous ulcers under the supervision of a venous leg ulcer specialist. They provide patients with a personalized treatment plan in their homes hence reducing the number of multiple visits to the hospitals. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeon.weebly.com/blog/how-to-take-care-of-chronic-wounds-at-home #ChronicWounds #woundcaretreatmentCalifornia #venouslegulcerspecialist #wounds
Are There Any Complexities In Venous Leg Ulcers? Venous leg ulcers are a type of chronic wound that is difficult to treat with traditional medical approaches and takes a longer time to heal. On top of that, if they don’t get treated on time, they can present a few complications that even worsen the situation. For example, healing time can be prolonged, or pain can increase. Sometimes people misunderstand a venous leg wound as a diabetic foot ulcer due to its occurrence in the leg. But they are different. Let’s first know what they are exactly. What Is Venous Ulceration? A venous leg ulcer occurs when the veins in the legs are unable to send a sufficient amount of oxygen-nutritious rich blood to the legs and back to the heart. This mostly happens in people who are bedridden or spend a lot of time sitting in a chair. For example, handicapped or persons with walking issues, etc. This leads to poor blood circulation, puts pressure on the veins, and leads to blood pooling in the legs. Due to this, a small & open wound may occur on the surface of the skin, known as venous ulceration. The symptoms include pain, itching & swelling in the affected area. To clear the dilemma and prevent future complexities, contacting a venous ulcer specialist is necessary. Read more: https://www.zupyak.com/p/3156504/t/are-there-any-complexities-in-venous-leg-ulcers #diabeticfootulcer #venousulcerspecialist #chronicwounds #venouslegulcer
How To Recognize If Someone Has A Venous Ulcer? Venous ulcer or let’s say venous leg ulcer is a sore on the leg which takes a significant time to heal due to poor blood circulation in the limbs and requires advanced medical care & attention. They can last from a few weeks to years, making them a type of chronic wound. It is essential to get them treated as a patient notices its symptoms as it can be a diabetic foot ulcer also. But first, let’s know how a venous leg ulcer occurs. What Causes A Venous Ulcer? Leg veins are responsible to send blood back to the heart and when there is a disturbance performing its job, the problem arises. For example, people who are bedridden or with sedentary issues often face blood circulation problems. This poor circulation causes additional pressure on the veins, leads to the blood pooling in the veins, and the formation of a small, open wound known as a venous ulcer on the surface of the skin. It weakens the skin and makes it rigid to treat with traditional treatment. So, to avoid future complications like infection or amputation due to an underlying condition, it is better to schedule a bedside appointment with a venous ulcer specialist. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeons.edublogs.org/2022/06/02/how-to-recognize-if-someone-has-a-venous-ulcer/ #diabeticfootulcer #venousulcerspecialist #chronicwounds #venouslegulcer