Watchdog calls for delay on trans conversion therapy law
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said the current proposals should be deferred until the completion of an independent review by Dr Hilary Cass.
Government forced to extend public consultation on conversion therapy after Fair Play For Women threatens legal action. • Fair Play For Women
Fair Play For Women threatens legal action if the deadline for public responses was not extended. Today, the Government has conceded and will extended by a further 8 weeks, more than doubling the...
MPs fear new law could trigger prosecutions of parents helping transgender kids
TORY MPs fear new laws will trigger prosecutions of parents and teachers for helping children who say they are transgender. Backbenchers are worried that plans to halt conversations about gender id…
The UK government is currently consulting on banning so-called “conversion therapy”. I use scare quotes because it is not clear exactly what constitutes “conversion therapy” since the term is not defined in the consultation document.
Physical “conversion therapy” is already illegal, so any new sanctions will be aimed at criminalising conversations
The silent treatment | Tim Dieppe | The Critic Magazine
The government is currently consulting on banning so-called “conversion therapy”. I use scare quotes because it is not clear exactly what constitutes "conversion therapy" since the term is not...
Experts fear unintended consequences from 'gay conversion' therapy ban
Experts fear a new law - aimed at sparing gay people from cruel 'conversion therapy' - could be used to end legitimate discussions with young people who want hormone treatment.