

3 years ago
Christian teachings to be protected from conversion therapy ban, says Government! Plans to ban gay and #transgender conversion therapy were delayed last December amid growing disquiet that they would criminalise parents, teachers and therapists from exploring issues, particularly about gender identity. Banning supportive conversations ‘in no one’s interest’ And nobody should be criminalised for questioning whether someone is 'transgender' or not - it's just plain silly! #ConversionTherapyBan #ConversionTherapy #Trans https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/12/christian-teachings-protected-conversion-therapy-ban-says-government/
3 years ago
A watchdog said the ban on trans conversion therapy should be delayed! Nobody should be criminalised for telling someone they are 'not born in the wrong body' - there is no proof this phenomenon actually exists! Ban on trans conversion therapy should be delayed to ensure parents and teachers are not criminalised for questioning whether a child really wants to change their gender, says equality watchdog! #ConversionTherapyBan #ConversionTherapy #Trans #Watchdog #EHRC #TransConversionTherapy #Gender https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10446049/Watchdog-calls-delay-trans-conversion-therapy-law.html
3 years ago
Plans to ban conversion therapy delayed amid growing unease from parents, teachers and church! Fears grow that the ban could criminalise anyone supporting children who think they are transgender #ConversionTherapy #ConversionTherapyBan #Trans #Transgender https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/12/09/plans-ban-conversion-therapy-delayed-amid-growing-unease-parents/
3 years ago
Government forced to extend public consultation on conversion therapy after Fair Play For Women threatens legal action. Today, the Government has conceded and will announce the deadline is to be extended by a further 8 weeks, more than doubling the consultation period to 14 weeks. #FairPlayforWomen #ConversionTherapy #ConversionTherapyBan https://fairplayforwomen.com/government-forced-to-extend-public-consultation-on-conversion-therapy-after-fair-play-for-women-threatens-legal-action/
3 years ago
Don’t rush the ban on ‘conversion therapy’ With such complex issues at stake, the Government needs to slow down and think about the potential consequences of this legislation Why we need to stop listening to controversial #Stonewall #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #ComeOutofStonewall https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/07/dont-rush-ban-conversion-therapy/
3 years ago
TORY MPs fear new laws, pushed by the LGBT-AlphabetSoup group #Stonewall, will trigger prosecutions of parents and teachers for helping children who say they are #transgender. #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #LGBT https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16950432/law-prosecutions-parents-transgender-kids/
3 years ago
Britain’s proposal to ban “conversion therapy” is not what it seems! The government conflates sexual orientation and “gender identity”. It should think again! #Britain #ConversionTherapy #ConversionTherapyBan #GenderIdentity https://www.economist.com/leaders/2021/12/04/britains-proposal-to-ban-conversion-therapy-is-not-what-it-seems
3 years ago
A conversion therapy ban threatens to leave unhappy children medicalised, sterilised and sexually impaired! - #MayaForstater Why is talking therapy being conflated with torture? #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan https://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2021/11/maya-forstater-a-conversion-therapy-ban-could-leave-unhappy-children-medicalised-sterilised-and-left-with-impaired-sexual-function.html
3 years ago
The UK government is currently consulting on banning so-called “conversion therapy”. I use scare quotes because it is not clear exactly what constitutes “conversion therapy” since the term is not defined in the consultation document. Physical “conversion therapy” is already illegal, so any new sanctions will be aimed at criminalising conversations #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #ConversionTherapy https://thecritic.co.uk/the-silent-treatment/
3 years ago
Medics who tell children to take time before changing their gender risk being criminalised as experts fear unintended consequences arising from ban on 'gay conversion' therapy We need to #PressPause on the #ConversionTherapyBan #Gender #Gay #LGBT https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10248079/Medics-tell-children-time-changing-gender-risk-criminalised-experts-fear.html