

2 years ago
#Malocclusions are classified based on based on type and severity, and #dentists should assign the appropriate code that clearly specifies the patient’s situation. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/blog/what-are-the-different-types-of-malocclusions-and-their-icd-10-codes/
3 years ago
While #dentists or other specialists offer treatment for mouth conditions, #dentalbillingcompanies work to get proper reimbursement for them. https://bit.ly/3kxhAvn
3 years ago
As #COVID-19 #vaccine providers, #dentists need to comply with all applicable documentation requirements and report vaccine administration using the latest codes. https://bit.ly/387TEIr
3 years ago
In this podcast, Amber Darst, our Dental Insurance Coordinator, discusses guidelines on #dentalsleepmedicine billing for #oralappliancetherapy. #Dentists treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) by using continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) or dental appliances, which reposition the lower jaw and tongue; and upper airway surgery to remove tissue in the airway, among other procedures. #Dentalpractices providing oral appliance therapy (OAT) can report it on their #medicalclaims using HCPCS codes and modifiers. #OAT is usually prescribed for mild and moderate sleep apnea when a patient does not tolerate a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. Outsource Strategies International (OSI) is an experienced #dentalbilling outsourcing company, providing the services of AAPC/AHIMA-certified coders and skilled billing specialists. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19O1ugcAw0Y
Dental Sleep Medicine Billing For Oral Appliance therapy