Malocclusions are classified based on based on type and severity, and dentists should assign the appropriate code that clearly specifies the patient’s situation.
As #COVID-19 #vaccine providers, #dentists need to comply with all applicable documentation requirements and report vaccine administration using the latest codes.
Update On CDT Codes For COVID-19 Vaccination Procedures
As COVID-19 vaccine providers, dentists need to comply with all applicable documentation requirements and report vaccine administration using the latest codes.
In this podcast, Amber Darst, our Dental Insurance Coordinator, discusses guidelines on #dentalsleepmedicine billing for #oralappliancetherapy.
#Dentists treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) by using continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) or dental appliances, which reposition the lower jaw and tongue; and upper airway surgery to remove tissue in the airway, among other procedures. #Dentalpractices providing oral appliance therapy (OAT) can report it on their #medicalclaims using HCPCS codes and modifiers. #OAT is usually prescribed for mild and moderate sleep apnea when a patient does not tolerate a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device.
Outsource Strategies International (OSI) is an experienced #dentalbilling outsourcing company, providing the services of AAPC/AHIMA-certified coders and skilled billing specialists. Watch this video:
Dental Sleep Medicine Billing For Oral Appliance therapy