

3 years ago
Dr Adrian Harrop, a 31-year-old GP, has been suspended from practising medicine for a month. Harrop, a so-called trans-ally, had conducted a personal crusade online, supposedly to protect trans rights. But woe betide anyone who happened to disagree with him. #DisgracedGPAdrianHarrop #DrHarrop #GP https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-is-a-trans-ally-gp-trying-to-fight-the-gender-wars-
3 years ago
Troll GP #DrAdrianHarrop likened JK Rowling to Jimmy Savile: How trans-activist family doctor, 31, accused Harry Potter novelist of 'not being safe around children' - as he's suspended for using Twitter to launch attacks on women. #DisgracedGPAdrianHarrop #DrHarrop #JimmySavile https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10262167/GP-likened-Rowling-Savile-doctor-accused-novelist-not-safe-kids.html