

3 years ago
Schools shouldn't be transing children behind their parents' backs! Catholic father sues elementary school after his daughter, 12, tried to kill herself following 'months of secret meetings about her gender identity with teachers who encouraged others to call her a boy and gave her a new name behind her parents' backs' #Trans #GenderIdentity #School #GenderIdeology https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10445195/Catholic-father-files-lawsuit-daughter-attempts-suicide-gender-identity.html
3 years ago
What is going on in #Scotland? Scottish teenagers are being quizzed on their sexuality and gender identity when they apply for a free bus pass in latest 'intrusive' SNP scheme! "Why on earth are they interested in such intimate details – it's just a bus pass. It is very sinister." said a concerned parent. #ScottishTeenagers #BusPass #GenderIdentity https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10434835/SNP-quizzes-teens-sexuality-gender-identity-applying-bus-pass.html
3 years ago
A mother who claims teachers secretly manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into changing her gender identity and name has filed a legal case against a tiny California school district. #ABCNews #GenderIdentity #Trans #SpreckelsUnionSchoolDistrict https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/mother-teachers-manipulated-child-change-gender-identity-82405978
3 years ago
New Zealand embraces gender ghosts as the national religion! New Zealand Parliament has now unanimously passed the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill that allows people to change their birth certificate to the sex of their choice! #TransAgenda #NewZealand #GenderIdentity #GenderGhosts #JacindaArdern #RexLandy https://spectator.com.au/2021/12/new-zealand-embraces-gender-ghosts-as-the-national-religion/
3 years ago
Obtaining sex by deception is illegal in the United Kingdom. Trans Identified Male Tayla Dow should tell men they're male before kissing men! Slam people all you like #TaylaDow but refusing to declare that you are male before kissing men is rightly deception and an assault! #UK #GenderIdentity #Transwomen #TransIdentifiedMale https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/woman-slams-trolls-who-say-25682646
3 years ago
Equaliteach told primary school teachers that confused young boys should be allowed into girls’ changing rooms and taught primary school children about confusing new pronouns! #Equaliteach #Trans #GenderIdentity#SayNoToPronouns https://thecritic.co.uk/revolving-door-ideologues/
3 years ago
Plans to ban 'gender conversion therapy' may be delayed after backlash from parents and teachers! A ban on conversion therapy for gender identity could be put off until the summer! #GenderIdentity #ConversionTherapy #GenderConversionTherapy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10290451/Plans-ban-gender-conversion-therapy-delayed-backlash-parents-teachers.html
3 years ago
MPs and ministers are concerned about proposals to outlaw #conversations about the "#GenderIdentity" of children, under pressure from controversial #Stonewall, the equality charity. #ComeOutofStonewall #PressPause https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/12/04/teachers-risk-prosecution-discussing-gender-pupils
3 years ago
Britain’s proposal to ban “conversion therapy” is not what it seems! The government conflates sexual orientation and “gender identity”. It should think again! #Britain #ConversionTherapy #ConversionTherapyBan #GenderIdentity https://www.economist.com/leaders/2021/12/04/britains-proposal-to-ban-conversion-therapy-is-not-what-it-seems
3 years ago
Lifelong #feminist warns Democrats against dangerous 'gender identity' agenda! Kara Dansky discusses how #Democrats' obsession with issues around #GenderIdentity and sexual orientation could have 'devastating' effects on #women and #girls. #KaraDansky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVKPsKiJBWM
Lifelong feminist warns Democrats against 'gender identity' agenda