

3 years ago
Parent fury as Brighton primary schools tell students NOT to say 'mum' and 'dad' and use 'grown ups' instead to avoid stigmatising 'non-traditional' families. #GenderWOOWOO #Brighton #Mum #Dad https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10527267/Parent-fury-Brighton-primary-schools-tell-students-NOT-say-mum-dad.html
3 years ago
Why are we inflicting this #GenderWOOWOO nonsense upon our vulnerable children? No more ‘Sir’ and ‘Miss’ as education charity calls for children to have to use gender-free terms like ‘Teacher’ when addressing adults in school Woke Dr Barnes of charity Educate and Celebrate recommended dropping words such as ‘boy’, ‘girl’, ‘son’ and ‘mother’ and replacing them with gender-neutral phrases! #NationalEducationUnion #DrEllyBarnes #EducateandCelebrate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10513149/No-Sir-Miss-charity-calls-children-use-gender-free-terms-like-Teacher.html
3 years ago
BRIT Awards 2022 pulls in 2.7 million viewers - its lowest ratings EVER - after 'woke' ceremony sparked backlash with gender neutral nominations I'm proud to say I didn't watch this #GenderWOOWOO woke stupidity either! #BritAwards2022 #WokeCeremony #Woke https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10494181/BRIT-Awards-2022-pulls-record-low-ratings-just-2-7-million-viewers.html
3 years ago
Transgender advice in Scottish Census may turn definition of sex ‘on its head’, warn feminists! Fair Play for Women launches campaign to scrap guidance which allows people to record their gender however they wish! #GenderWooWoo #Transgender #ScottishCensus #FairPlayforWomen #Gender https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/02/transgender-advice-scottish-census-may-turn-definition-sex-head/
3 years ago
Gender neutral terms such as ‘birth-givers’ may put women’s health at risk, researchers warn! Research finds that gender inclusive words, such as ‘chestfeeding’, may be ‘sexist’ and cause more ‘insidious discrimination against women’ #GenderWooWoo #GenderIdeology #WomenMatter #Trans https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/30/replacing-word-mothers-birth-givers-may-put-womens-health-risk/
3 years ago
A campaign group has won the right to mount a legal challenge over plans to allow people to choose their gender in this year’s Scottish census. Guidance says people can enter a different sex than that registered on their birth certificate, even if they have not gone through the legal process of obtaining a gender recognition certificate. #GenderWooWoo #Gender #Trans #ScottishCensus #Census https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/campaigners-challenge-right-to-self-identify-53lm78tzh