

3 years ago
Felony Hate Crime Charges Dropped Against Feminist! Thistle Pettersen was facing up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine for allegedly placing a "TERF Collective" sticker in Madison! Charges against Thistle Pettersen, a Wisconsin-based feminist singer and songwriter, were dropped in a hearing today on First Amendment grounds, according to the Women's Liberation Front (WoLF). Pettersen was facing felony hate crime charges for allegedly placing an "anti-transgender" sticker in downtown Madison. The win comes after over 1,600 people signed a WoLF petition asking the Dane County DA to drop the charges against Pettersen. #ThistlePettersen #Felony #HateCrime #Feminist https://4w.pub/felony-hate-crime-charges-dropped-against-feminist