

3 years ago
The House of Lords has become the latest institution to quit a controversial workplace scheme run by charity #Stonewall following a row about gender-neutral language in legislation. It's time all other government departments dropped controversial lobby group Stonewall too! #ComeOutofStonewall #HouseofLords #ControversialStonewall https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509071/House-Lords-quits-Stonewall-work-programme-row-gender-neutral-terms.html
3 years ago
I'm happy to announce that the House of Lords is the latest to say no to controversial Stonewall after mother of all rows! A spokesman for the Lords said the decision followed an assessment of the “costs and benefits of the programme”. #ComeOutofStonewall#Mother #HouseofLords https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/house-of-lords-is-latest-to-say-no-to-stonewall-after-mother-of-all-rows-mt3jx27j0
3 years ago
Senior peers have criticised the House of Lords standards watchdog after members of the public attempted to “silence” them in a debate over trans people in prisons. #HouseofLords #Censorship #FreedomofExpression #LordsStandardsCommissioner https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/we-will-not-be-silenced-vow-peers-labelled-bigots-in-trans-prisoners-debate-2gtjw8xv2
3 years ago
We will not be silenced, vow peers who were labelled ‘bigots’ for rightfully speaking out over trans prisoners! #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #HouseofLords #LordsStandardsCommissioner https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/01/20/lords-standards-commissioner-accused-sinister-attempt-silence/
3 years ago
MARY HARRINGTON: How could the Lords vote to let 'trans women' into female prisons after this fiasco? White, a 52-year-old male jailed for rape, sexual assault and wounding then placed in a women's prison - molesting four inmates during three-month reign of terror. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #MaryHarrington #Lords #HouseofLords https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10406427/MARY-HARRINGTON-Lords-vote-let-trans-women-female-prisons-fiasco.html
3 years ago
Prisons must be single-sex spaces! The House of Lords has failed to pass an amendment to ensure female prisoners’ safety! #HouseofLords #SaveSingleSexSpaces #FemalePrisoners #SingleSexSpaces https://thecritic.co.uk/prisons-must-be-single-sex-spaces/
3 years ago
Female prisoners shouldn’t be used as a shield for 'trans women' from male violence! The House of Lords must vote to keep prisons single-sex. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #HouseofLords #JeanHatchet #CorstonReport https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2022/01/female-prisoners-shouldnt-be-used-as-a-shield-for-trans-women-from-male-violence