

3 years ago
Maya Forstater won her case! "Every woman who's been harassed, silenced, bullied or lost employment because of her gender critical beliefs is freer and safer today, thanks to the warrior that is #MayaForstater " - #JKRowling #IStandWithMaya #IStandWithJKRowling
3 years ago
JK Rowling should be a national treasure - so why have so many spent a year destroying her? Twenty years after the first Harry Potter film, the most successful author of her generation has been 'cancelled' – how did it come to this? #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithMaya #Cancelled #IStandWithJKR https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/jk-rowling-should-national-treasure-have-many-spent-year-destroying/
3 years ago
Maya Forstater: I lost my job for speaking out on women's rights and gender self ID on social media. My case is a test case to show that people should not be discriminated against for having gender critical views. Please support Maya Forstater's Crowdfunder! #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill #MayaForstater #WomensRights https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stand-with-maya