

3 years ago
Raquel Rosario Sanchez is going to court to fight a trial against the #UniversityofBristol for failing to protect her from bullying and harassment by trans activists. Julie Bindel in conversation with Raquel Rosario Sanchez on the #CriticPodcast. #RaquelRosarioSanchez #JulieBindel #TransActivists https://thecritic.co.uk/julie-bindel-in-conversation-with-raquel-rosario-sanchez/
3 years ago
Kathleen Stock: I won't be silenced! Kathleen Stock was forced to resign from Sussex University professor after an aggressive campaign of targeted harassment over her gender critical views. #IStandWithKathleenStock #KathleenStock #JulieBindel #ShameonSussexUni #SussexUniversity #UniversityofSussex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6gjD8qwsJ0&t=28s
Kathleen Stock: I won't be silenced
3 years ago
The misogyny of trans activists! In Portsmouth (UK) trans activists behaved like they wanted a war, not dialogue #Portsmouth #Misogyny #FiLia #JulieBindel #AmnestyInternational #TransActivists #TransMob #NoDebate https://unherd.com/thepost/the-misogyny-of-trans-activists