Move to house transgender inmates in women’s prisons spurs backlash over safety
More transgender convicts than ever are making their way to women’s prisons, a victory for the gender-identity movement but not necessarily for female inmates forced to share their living spaces...
Scottish Prison Serve transgender policy to be revealed in summer
The Scottish Prison Service is set to publish the results of a major review of its controversial transgender prisoner policy by late summer, it has emerged.
‘Militant’ trans rights activists trying to ‘cancel’ university professor
"Militant" trans rights activists are attempting to “cancel” Staffordshire University Criminology Professor James Treadwell for merely stating that prisons should remain single sex, according...
MARY HARRINGTON: How could they
let trans women into female prisons?
MARY HARRINGTON: Should male criminals ever be incarcerated with women? You might think that this is a mad question, with an obvious answer: of course not.
'I was sexually assaulted by a transgender rapist in a women's jail'
Waiving her anonymity in an interview with The Mail on Sunday, Cheryle Kempton is the first victim to speak out in the hope that it prevents other women facing a similar fate.
Trans Child Rapist Used in Articles Pushing Prison Self-ID
A Kansas man who sexually abused a 14 year-old girl was featured in sympathetic articles decrying the hardships faced by trans-identified inmates in prison. Rayne Bennett, formerly known as Jacob...