

3 years ago
Move to house #transgender inmates in women’s prisons spurs backlash over safety! More transgender convicts than ever are making their way to women’s prisons, a victory for the gender identity movement but not necessarily for female inmates forced to share their living spaces with the new arrivals. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensPrisons #NoXYinXXPrisons https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/feb/16/move-house-transgender-inmates-womens-prisons-spur/
3 years ago
Will the Scottish prison service respect women's safety and dignity or will they carry on bowing down to men who demand to be called women and allow even more males to invade the female estate? The Scottish Prison Service is set to publish the results of a major review of its controversial #transgender prisoner policy by late summer, it has emerged. Former Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill recently called for a “separate secure” facility for trans inmates. #ScottishPrisonService #Trans #KeepPrisonsSingleSex https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/scottish-prison-serve-transgender-policy-to-be-revealed-in-summer-3547624
3 years ago
“Militant” trans rights activists are attempting to “cancel” Staffordshire University Criminology Professor James Treadwell for merely stating that prisons should remain single sex, according to #SkyNews host #RowanDean. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #JamesTreadwell #StaffordshireUniversity https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/outsiders/militant-trans-rights-activists-trying-to-cancel-university-professor/video/0af74490a4fbc65168b8bc6f0ea72438
3 years ago
More than half of #trans inmates have been convicted of a sexual offence! Surely it makes complete sense to keep all trans-identified males out of female prisons? Women's prisons are for women - NOT males who pretend to be women! For the safety and dignity of all female prisoners #KeepPrisonsSingleSex and #SaveWomensPrisons#TransPrisoners https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1554511/trans-inmates-sexual-offence
3 years ago
We will not be silenced, vow peers who were labelled ‘bigots’ for rightfully speaking out over trans prisoners! #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #HouseofLords #LordsStandardsCommissioner https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/01/20/lords-standards-commissioner-accused-sinister-attempt-silence/
3 years ago
MARY HARRINGTON: How could the Lords vote to let 'trans women' into female prisons after this fiasco? White, a 52-year-old male jailed for rape, sexual assault and wounding then placed in a women's prison - molesting four inmates during three-month reign of terror. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #MaryHarrington #Lords #HouseofLords https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10406427/MARY-HARRINGTON-Lords-vote-let-trans-women-female-prisons-fiasco.html
3 years ago
"I was sexually assaulted by a #transgender rapist in a women's jail": Female prisoner, 45, describes ordeal at the hands of sex predator, 56, who molested four inmates during three-month reign of terror. White, a paedophile on remand for grievous bodily harm and multiple rapes hadn't had any surgery nor hormone treatment but was sent to HMP New Hall which houses 360 women regardless. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #KarenWhite #StephenWood https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10406351/I-sexually-assaulted-transgender-rapist-womens-jail.html
3 years ago
Women in prison have described how some 'transgender' prisoners in female jails make little effort to live as women, and go back to living as men after they are released. Anyone seeing the problem of allowing males to self-id as 'women' so they can get full access to female prisons yet? #WomensPrisons #Transgender #Trans #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #SayNoToSelfID https://insidetime.org/trans-prisoners-go-back-to-living-as-men-after-release/
3 years ago
Trans Child Rapist Used in Articles Pushing Prison Self-ID! A Kansas man who sexually abused a 14-year-old girl was featured in sympathetic articles decrying the so-called hardships faced by trans-identified inmates in prison. Are you seeing why we should #KeepPrisonsSingleSex yet? #SayNoToSelfID #RayneBennett #JacobLawrencePina https://4w.pub/trans-child-rapist-complains-about-difficult-jail-sentence/
3 years ago
Female prisoners shouldn’t be used as a shield for 'trans women' from male violence! The House of Lords must vote to keep prisons single-sex. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #HouseofLords #JeanHatchet #CorstonReport https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2022/01/female-prisoners-shouldnt-be-used-as-a-shield-for-trans-women-from-male-violence