

3 years ago
Teacher who was suspended after allegedly manipulating girl, 11, into believing she is a boy and 'stalking' middle-school students for LGBTQ club is mom of 'transgender son' Lori Caldeira was suspended from her job teaching English at Buena Vista Middle School in Spreckels after she and fellow educator Kelly Baraki, 39, were recorded discussing how they ‘stalked’ students online to find new recruits for their You Be You club and encouraged them to keep discussions hidden from their parents. #US #LoriCaldeira #KellyBaraki #BuenaVistaMiddleSchool #Trans https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10452961/LGBTQ-case-teacher-manipulated-girl-11-thinking-shes-boy-mom-transgender-son.html
3 years ago
A California mother said her daughter’s teachers are “predatory” and “disgusting” after she filed a lawsuit against them and school district officials that alleged two teachers brainwashed her preteen to secretly change her gender. #NYPost #NewYorkPost #California #LoriCaldiera #KellyBaraki #SpreckelsUnionSchoolDistrict #Trans #ParentalSecretPolicy #Gender https://nypost.com/2022/01/24/mother-sues-teachers-for-brainwashing-student-to-identify-as-transgender/