Why try to make you a criminal?
Why do they keep attacking kratom consumers?
The past six months we've seen an increase in the variety and volume of attacks on kratom consumers from all over America. The worst part has been an increase in rhetoric and attempts to criminalize kratom possession and consumption! America doesn't need more people arrested for consuming natural products, especially something millions safely use daily, and even the WHO ECDD said doesn't merit a critical review.
#americankratomassociation#KratomProtectors#kratomban#kratomconsumers #kratomlegality #kratomnews #KratomProducts #KratomProtectors #kratomlegal #kratomcommunity
Why try to make you a criminal?
Increase in the volume of attacks on kratom consumers from all over America. In rhetoric and attempts to criminalize kratom possession and consumption!
New Range of Private-Label Products - Bloomios includes Kratom as one of the natural ingredients
Bloomios to Develop and Produce New Range of Private-Label Products Utilizing, Ashwagandha, Melatonin, Kratom, Lion's Mane, Valerian Root, Reishi Mushroom and other Natural Ingredients.
Bloomios, a leading hemp and nutraceutical manufacturer specializing in full service product development, R&D and compliance solutions, has been engaged by several CBD, nootropic and nutraceuticals brands to develop and produce a new range of private-label consumer health and wellness products.
#kratom#kratomnews#kratomresearch#kratomconsumers #kratomcommunity #cbd #kratomproducts #kratompowder #kratomcapsule #kratomextracts #Ashwagandha #Melatonin #LionsMane #ValerianRoot #ReishiMushroom #naturalingredients
New Bloomios line - Kratom as natural ingredient
Bloomios to Develop and Produce New Range of Private-Label Products Utilizing, Ashwagandha, Melatonin, Kratom, and other Natural Ingredients