

3 years ago
Crying out for cash... but NHS hospitals still find tens of thousands to spend on LGBT rainbow crossings! 'NHS hospitals spent thousands painting rainbow crossings during the pandemic' #NHS #RainbowCrossing #TransCrossing #LGBT https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10531371/Crying-cash-NHS-hospitals-tens-thousands-spend-LGBT-rainbow-crossings.html
3 years ago
Controversial charity #Stonewall gets £1.2m in taxpayer cash as #ForeignOffice accused of ‘propping up’ charity! Liz Truss’s department revealed as LGBT-AlphabetSoup group’s largest donor, funding more than half the amount throughout 2020-21 #ComeOutofStonewall #AntiStonewall #LGBT https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/01/06/stonewall-gets-12m-taxpayer-cash-foreign-office-accused-propping/
3 years ago
Stonewall’s annus horribilis! Which has solely been brought on by themselves! Is there any way back for the #LGBT charity? I hope not, and I doubt it! #ComeOutofStonewall #Stonewall #LeaveStonewall https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/stonewall-s-annus-horribilis
3 years ago
TORY MPs fear new laws, pushed by the LGBT-AlphabetSoup group #Stonewall, will trigger prosecutions of parents and teachers for helping children who say they are #transgender. #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #LGBT https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16950432/law-prosecutions-parents-transgender-kids/
3 years ago
Woke Police switch to gender-neutral warrant cards #SussexPolice is to switch to gender-neutral #WarrantCards, after complaints from the force’s unelected #LGBT network that feels it can speak on behalf of all the LGBT-AlphabetSoup. #Police https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-switch-to-gender-neutral-warrant-cards-55z2jv730
3 years ago
Trans Activist Outlet Calls Raped Female Inmate a "TERF" #LGBTQNation #LGBTQ #LGBT https://4w.pub/trans-activists-call-raped-female-inmates-terfs/
3 years ago
This #LGBT-AlphabetSoup is a very dangerous movement! Jo Phoenix, 57, (pictured) who is Professor of Criminology at the #OpenUniversity, has been branded a 'transphobe' and put on a list circulated online that called her a 'Terf' #IStandWithJoPhoenix #JoPhoenix #OU #University https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10239639/Professors-harrowing-account-feels-like-targeted-trans-hate-mob.html
3 years ago
Fears for Scots civil service ‘captured’ by #Stonewall The Scottish government has been accused of breaching rules governing the impartiality of the civil service by involving a controversial LGBT+ charity that it funds in the recruitment and promotion of senior civil servants. ​ #ComeOutofStonewall #ScottishGovernment #LGBT #BreachingRules #CivilService #Impartiality https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/fears-for-scots-civil-service-captured-by-stonewall-8q50p6dxt
3 years ago
BBC diversity training scheme with new group is #Stonewall ‘in all but name’ Concern over broadcaster’s partnership with #Involve UK, whose owner #SukiSandhu boasts online about being a ‘proud ambassador’ of the #LGBT charity What about impartiality #BBC? #InvolveUK #InvolvePeople https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/20/bbc-diversity-training-scheme-new-group-stonewall-name/
3 years ago
How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids! Leaked Documents and Audio from the California Teachers Association Conference Reveal Efforts to Subvert Parents on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation! #CaliforniaTeachersAssociation #CTA #LGBT #LGBTQ https://abigailshrier.substack.com/p/how-activist-teachers-recruit-kids