

3 years ago
What The Lancet gets wrong about women! This weekend, The Lancet dehumanised the bodies of half the population. Why has the science journal waded into the gender ideology debate? #Lancet #TheLancet #ScienceJournal #MedicalJournal #GenderIdeology #RichardHorton https://unherd.com/2021/09/what-the-lancet-gets-wrong-about-women/
3 years ago
The prestigious medical journal has prompted a wave of anger online after a 'well-meaning but unhelpful attempt to be inclusive' Lancet accused of sexism after calling women ‘bodies with vaginas’ A tweet sharing the front page has provoked a wave of criticism, with academics cancelling their subscriptions and resigning as reviewers, doctors blasting the phrase as “dehumanising” and activists suggesting the term is “unhelpful” for broader debates about inclusivity. #Lancet #LancetMedicalJournal #MedicalJournal #Sexism https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/25/lancet-receives-complaints-scientists-quit-sexist-cover-calling/