

3 years ago
Mother of "Skirt Wearing" Rapist in Loudoun Blames Victim for Being Sexually Assaulted #BoyinSkirt #LoudounCountySchool #LCSB #Loudoun https://4w.pub/mother-of-skirt-wearing-loudoun-rapist
3 years ago
'Boy in skirt' found guilty in Loudoun County bathroom assault! The victim was assaulted in a women’s restroom at Stone Bridge High School by a male wearing a skirt. A juvenile court judge found the evidence enough to convict but will hold on sentencing until the convicted teenager, now 15, is tried for another alleged assault at a different high school. #Loudoun #LoudounCountySchool #BoyinSkirt #Virginia #StoneBridgeHighSchool https://news.yahoo.com/teenager-found-guilty-loudoun-county-004300075.html
3 years ago
Woke Loudoun County schools $275K-a-year superintendent APOLOGIZES for 'failing to protect' female student, 15, from rape by 'boy in a skirt' in the girls' bathroom: He refuses to quit but board member resigns! #Loudoun #LoudounCountySchool #BoyinSkirt #Virginia #LoudounCountySchoolBoard #LCSB #Woke https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10097271/I-look-forward-simpler-life-Member-woke-Loudoun-School-board-RESIGNS.html
3 years ago
Parents want Loudoun County, Va. school board to quit after accusation it covered up bathroom rape by ‘gender-fluid sex predator’ The school board in Virginia’s Loudoun County involved in a gender-affirmation policy row with parents has been accused of covering up an alleged bathroom rape by a ‘gender-fluid’ teen who allegedly committed a second sex offence. #Virginia #Loudoun #LoudounCounty #Pronouns #GenderAffirmation #Gender #GenderFluid #SexOffence #LoudounCountySchoolBoard #LCSB #SexualPredator https://www.rt.com/usa/537321-loudoun-school-bathroom-assault