

1 year ago
Vaccination - Pet Point Veterinary Clinic A vaccine works by stimulating a protective immune response in your pet, preparing them to fight infections in the future, or preventing disease altogether. Experts agree that although some formerly common diseases are now obsolete, there are still many disease-causing agents present in the environment that could harm your pet and spread to others. Core vaccines for dogs include : ✔ Canine parvovirus ✔ Distemper ✔ Canine hepatitis ✔ Rabies. https://www.petpoint.ae/services/vaccination/ #Vaccination #MicrochipPetPointVeterinary #PetPointVeterinaryClinic #PetVeterinaryClinic #PetClinicDubai #VeterinaryClinic #PetDentalCareDubai
1 year ago
Microchip - Pet Point Veterinary Clinic A microchip is a radio-frequency identification transponder that carries a unique identification number and is roughly the size of a grain of rice. When the microchip is scanned by a vet or shelter, it transmits the ID number. There’s no battery, no power required, and no moving parts. The microchip is injected under the loose skin between your pet’s shoulder blades and can be done in the consultation room. Once the microchip is installed, your pet has a way to be identified if it ever gets lost and is sent into a shelter or veterinary clinic. The microchip contains an identification number registered to your name, address, and contact information. https://www.petpoint.ae/services/microchip/ #MicrochipPetPointVeterinary #PetPointVeterinaryClinic #PetVeterinaryClinic #PetClinicDubai #VeterinaryClinic #PetDentalCareDubai