

4 years ago
Mobile SEO A robots.txt blocks an image of the mobile version. Image of mobile website version contains images of low quality – size and resolution Image of the mobile website version doesn’t have alt text. Mobile web page is missing the title and Meta description similar to that of the desktop version.The URL of a mobile page gives an error but the desktop version of same web page is OK. https://www.edocr.com/v/mwn660g5 #mobileSEOtips #mobileSEOcompany #mobileSEOstrategy #mobileSEOchecklist #mobilewebsiteSEO #mobilefriendlySEO #mobilesiteSEO
4 years ago
Mobile SEO The same structured data with correct URLs is present in the mobile and desktop version of the website.The ‘noindex tag’ blocks a mobile web page from indexing. The mobile version of a web page does not have all the images as desktop version of the web page has. https://flic.kr/p/2kpMNYD #mobileSEOtips #mobileSEOcompany #mobileSEOstrategy #mobileSEOchecklist #mobilewebsiteSEO #mobilefriendlySEO #mobilesiteSEO
4 years ago
Google Mobile SEO Best Practices For Mobile-First Indexing In 2021 Mobile SEO is a set of SEO optimization practices to improve the surfing experience of mobiles and tablet users. Mobile SEO ensures that each element of the website is accessed by the search engine spiders. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/google-mobile-seo-best-practices-mobile-first-indexing-subhash-jain #SEOoptimizationpractices #mobileSEOchecklist #MobileSEOStrategy