

3 years ago
Why “Non Crime Hate Incidents” don’t seem to apply to the cops. There has been only a single NCHI recorded against a Met police officer since 2014! #NCHI #NonCrimeHateIncidents #Police https://thecritic.co.uk/wolf-in-plods-clothing/
3 years ago
Hate is not a crime! Officers’ good intentions have been weaponised by unscrupulous whingers to muzzle their ideological opponents In the United Kingdom, 124,091 non-crime hate incidents have been logged since 2014! Many have no idea a #NCHI is recorded on their police record! After Miller's Court of Appeal victory, it's time the #police removed all of them! #HarryMiller #CourtofAppeal #FreeSpeech https://thecritic.co.uk/hate-is-not-a-crime/
3 years ago
Today, the House of Lords debates regulations to control the creation of police records on people who have committed no crimes. In the frame are “non-crime hate incidents” (NCHIs), exchanges reported to the police that the so-called victims perceive to have been motivated by hate, but where no laws have been broken. The police shouldn't be allowed to secretly record us behind our backs simply because somebody claimed they were offended. Many people in the UK don't realise they have an NCHI on their police file! Non-Crime Hate Incidents must be abolished! #AbolishNCHI #NonCrimeHateIncident #NCHI #Police #HouseofLords https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/it-isnt-the-polices-job-to-stop-people-being-offended-xj5vz7k05