

2 years ago
3 years ago
Crying out for cash... but NHS hospitals still find tens of thousands to spend on LGBT rainbow crossings! 'NHS hospitals spent thousands painting rainbow crossings during the pandemic' #NHS #RainbowCrossing #TransCrossing #LGBT https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10531371/Crying-cash-NHS-hospitals-tens-thousands-spend-LGBT-rainbow-crossings.html
3 years ago
Nurses 'sacked for speaking out about transgender patients on single-sex wards' House of Lords heard medics are 'inhibited' from speaking out about NHS policies for fear of being branded 'bigots' "Trans rights supersede all other rights and concerns.” #GenderIdeology #NHS #Nurses #Trans https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/02/10/nurses-sacked-speaking-transgender-patients-single-sex-wards/
3 years ago
How children as young as 13 are asking strangers online to crowdfund their 'sex change' drugs... and even more disturbingly - they are bypassing NHS safeguards to get them! #Trans #Transgender #SexChangeDrugs #NHS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10453837/How-children-young-13-asking-strangers-online-crowdfund-sex-change-drugs.html
3 years ago
Hundreds of #Nurses and #Midwives have signed a letter calling for the Nursing and #Midwifery Council and #NHS trusts to withdraw from controversial Stonewall’s Diversity Champions Programme and Equality Index. #ComeOutofStonewall #LeaveStonewall https://womansplaceuk.org/2021/12/04/stonewall-nurses-and-midwives-speak-out/
3 years ago
Whistle-blower Dr David Bell has claimed the NHS’s sole gender service for children, believes all girls who don’t like ‘pink ribbons and dollies’ must be transgender. #WhistleBlower #DrDavidBell #NHS https://www.gbnews.uk/news/nhs-gender-service-for-children-thinks-all-girls-who-dont-like-pink-ribbons-and-dollies-must-be-transgender-says-david-bell/162964
3 years ago
Girls who don’t like dolls are treated as #transgender claims #Tavistock clinic whistleblower! Dr David Bell, the #NHS trust's former governor, said under Stonewall's influence, clinicians believe it is the 'only acceptable explanation'! #DrDavidBell #WhistleBlower #TavistockClinic https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/22/girls-dont-like-dolls-treated-transgender-claims-tavistock-clinic/
3 years ago
Controversial Stonewall to judge NHS on LGBT ‘inclusion’ Trusts will be given a bronze, silver or gold award depending on their inclusive cultures in £220,000 taxpayer-funded Rainbow Badges project A leading role will be played by Stonewall, despite many high-profile organisations and government departments withdrawing from its diversity scheme. This is a complete waste of NHS money! #GetStonewallOut #ComeOutofStonewall #Stonewall #Taxpayer #NHS #NHSMoney #LGBT #DiversityScheme https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/30/stonewall-judge-nhs-lgbt-inclusion
3 years ago
Excellent news that our NHS hospitals are to be given guidance from the Equality & Human Rights Commission on preserving #SingleSex wards! And Businesses will be offered reassurance on the legality of keeping #male and #female lavatories, amid pressure from dangerous pro-trans activists! #NHS #TransMob #TransActivists #Lavatories #Toilets #SingleSexSpaces #BaronessFalkner #EHRC #EqualityHumanRightsCommission #WomensRights https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/10/16/nhs-hospitals-will-given-guidance-keeping-single-sex-wards-equalities
3 years ago
Welcome to waste and wokery! £220,000 taken from the purse of the over-stretched and cash strapped NHS for rainbow badges of obedience! And behind the NHS Rainbow is compulsory training and enforced ideology! #RainbowBadges #NHS #NationalHealthService https://thecritic.co.uk/badges-of-obedience