

3 years ago
Why “Non Crime Hate Incidents” don’t seem to apply to the cops. There has been only a single NCHI recorded against a Met police officer since 2014! #NCHI #NonCrimeHateIncidents #Police https://thecritic.co.uk/wolf-in-plods-clothing/
3 years ago
Sadly “Non-crime hate incidents” aren’t gone yet! Thousands of false allegations will still be recorded on scant evidence! It's time the #police removed these #Orwellian and creepy #NonCrimeHateIncidents which are unjust and have a chilling effect on freedom of expression! https://unherd.com/thepost/non-crime-hate-incidents-arent-gone-yet/
3 years ago
Campaigners have called for 120,000 'hate incidents' to be deleted from police records after a court found that College of Policing guidance which saw tweets about transgender issues recorded as a 'hate incident' had a 'chilling effect' on freedom of expression. The police should just delete them! #IStandWithHarryMiller #NonCrimeHateIncidents https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331993/EXCLUSIVE-Campaigners-call-120-000-hate-incidents-deleted.html