Is your pain not letting you sleep? Here are some useful tips
What is the relation between pain and sleep? Does, not being able to sleep make the pain feel worse or is severe pain responsible for inability to sleep?
The answer is both are true. Sleep is a natural analgesic (pain reliever) and a good night’s sleep can improve one’s ability to tolerate pain. For some chronic pain patients, the only respite is when they are sleeping, and loosing this luxury can have adverse consequences.
Amount of sleep required by an individual varies depending upon many factors including age, but most adults require between 7 to 9 hours a night, although it can range from 5 to 10 hours. Healthy sleep comes in waves during the night and every night we cycle 4-6 times, through different stages of sleep- light sleep, deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Usually we wake up after the REM stage. If pain disturbs the sleep, we end up spending too much time in light sleep reducing the REM sleep and this may result in increased pain sensitivity.
Inadequate sleep also produces other related issues such as
· Fatigue or low energy levels
· Advert effect on immune system and
· Hormonal balance especially the ones regulating out appetite
· Sleep is related to many other medical conditions such as obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, diabetes and cardiovascular disease., #PainandSleep, #painmanagementindelhi
Is your pain not letting you sleep? Here are some useful tips