

3 years ago
Parents' backlash is set to put brakes on new gender law amid fears that families could be prosecuted for discussing own child's sex change! It's really time to stop listening to #Stonewall and #DropStonewall #ComeOutofStonewall #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10285677/Parents-backlash-set-brakes-new-gender-law-amid-fears-families-prosecuted.html
3 years ago
Don’t rush the ban on ‘conversion therapy’ With such complex issues at stake, the Government needs to slow down and think about the potential consequences of this legislation Why we need to stop listening to controversial #Stonewall #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #ComeOutofStonewall https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/07/dont-rush-ban-conversion-therapy/
3 years ago
TORY MPs fear new laws, pushed by the LGBT-AlphabetSoup group #Stonewall, will trigger prosecutions of parents and teachers for helping children who say they are #transgender. #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #LGBT https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16950432/law-prosecutions-parents-transgender-kids/
3 years ago
MPs and ministers are concerned about proposals to outlaw #conversations about the "#GenderIdentity" of children, under pressure from controversial #Stonewall, the equality charity. #ComeOutofStonewall #PressPause https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/12/04/teachers-risk-prosecution-discussing-gender-pupils
3 years ago
Conversion therapy ban shouldn’t be rushed #PressPause Troubled girls will be the losers again if a law intended to end cruelty strays into the minefield of gender confusion! #ConversionTherapy #FirstDoNoHarm #WaitForCass https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/conversion-therapy-ban-shouldnt-be-rushed-fqqjk0dtf
3 years ago
A conversion therapy ban threatens to leave unhappy children medicalised, sterilised and sexually impaired! - #MayaForstater Why is talking therapy being conflated with torture? #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan https://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2021/11/maya-forstater-a-conversion-therapy-ban-could-leave-unhappy-children-medicalised-sterilised-and-left-with-impaired-sexual-function.html
3 years ago
The UK government is currently consulting on banning so-called “conversion therapy”. I use scare quotes because it is not clear exactly what constitutes “conversion therapy” since the term is not defined in the consultation document. Physical “conversion therapy” is already illegal, so any new sanctions will be aimed at criminalising conversations #PressPause #ConversionTherapyBan #ConversionTherapy https://thecritic.co.uk/the-silent-treatment/
3 years ago
Medics who tell children to take time before changing their gender risk being criminalised as experts fear unintended consequences arising from ban on 'gay conversion' therapy We need to #PressPause on the #ConversionTherapyBan #Gender #Gay #LGBT https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10248079/Medics-tell-children-time-changing-gender-risk-criminalised-experts-fear.html
3 years ago
The Government's attempt to ban conversion therapy is ham-fisted Under the proposed new law, therapists would be unable to have an open conversation with children presenting with gender dysphoria #PressPause #GenderDysphoria #ConversiontherapyBan #ConversionTherapy #GenderIdentity https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/26/governments-attempt-ban-conversion-therapy-ham-fisted/