He said, she said: Pronoun throwdown erupts as critics push back on transgender language
University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has plenty of advantages when it comes to women’s sports, as far as critics are concerned, and one of them is pronouns.
MoD tells staff to state name, rank and gender pronoun
Officials have been told to state their preferred gender pronouns in meetings at the Ministry of Defence, where a civil servant acts as a trustee of Stonewall.Dunni Alao was described as a...
Better pronoun usage won’t help US counter hypersonic missiles, congressman says, urging intelligence to focus on security threats
The US intelligence community’s focus on “woke obsessions” like “pronoun etiquette” and “white rage” has affected its ability to effectively tackle national security challenges,...
Parents want Loudoun County, Va. school board to quit after accusation it covered up bathroom rape by ‘gender-fluid sex predator’
The school board in Virginia’s Loudoun County involved in a gender-affirmation policy row with parents has been accused of covering up an alleged bathroom rape by a ‘gender-fluid’ teen who allegedly committed a second sex offence.
#Virginia#Loudoun#LoudounCounty#Pronouns#GenderAffirmation #Gender #GenderFluid #SexOffence #LoudounCountySchoolBoard #LCSB #SexualPredator
Parents want Loudoun County, Va. school board to quit after accusation it covered up bathroom rape by ‘gender-fluid sex predator’
The school board in Virginia’s Loudoun County involved in a gender-affirmation policy row with parents has been accused of covering up an alleged bathroom rape by a ‘gender-fluid’ teen who...