

3 years ago
The student forced out after standing up for women! Raquel Rosario Sanchez is taking the University of Bristol to court for allegedly failing to protect her from trans activists! #IStandWithRaquelSanchez #RaquelRosarioSanchez #UniversityofBristol #Women #TransActivists https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/student-forced-standing-women/
3 years ago
Raquel Rosario Sanchez is going to court to fight a trial against the #UniversityofBristol for failing to protect her from bullying and harassment by trans activists. Julie Bindel in conversation with Raquel Rosario Sanchez on the #CriticPodcast. #RaquelRosarioSanchez #JulieBindel #TransActivists https://thecritic.co.uk/julie-bindel-in-conversation-with-raquel-rosario-sanchez/
3 years ago
Raquel Rosario Sánchez won’t be silenced! Raquel Rosario Sánchez should be graduating this month with a PhD from one of the UK’s most prestigious universities. Instead, she will be in court, suing the University of Bristol for allegedly failing to protect her from bullying and harassment. Like many women in this country, Rosario Sánchez has been targeted by trans activists, some of them fellow students. #IStandWithRaquelSánchez and the many women who have been ruthlessly targeted by warped trans activists! #RaquelRosarioSánchez #UniversityofBristol #Trans https://unherd.com/2022/02/raquel-rosario-sanchez-wont-be-silenced/
3 years ago
Now even the word '#maternity' is facing a ban at Britain's 'wokest' university after diversity chiefs said the term was now ‘problematic’ and ‘exclusionary’ "Bristol student #RaquelRosarioSanchez was told she was 'transphobic' and investigated by the university after saying only biological women can give birth" #BristolUniversity #Transgender #Trans https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10431337/Now-maternity-facing-ban-Britains-wokest-university-diversity-chiefs-ruling.html