

1 year ago
What are Common Symptoms of Retinal Disorders? - Retinaindia Ojas eye hospital provides the best Retina treatment in India The Common Symptoms of Retinal Disorders are Retinal detachment itself is painless. But warning signs almost always appear before it occurs or has advanced, such as: The sudden appearance of many floaters — tiny specks that seem to drift through your field of vision Flashes of light in one or both eyes Blurred vision Gradually reduced side (peripheral) vision A curtain-like shadow over your visual field Visual distortions, such as straight lines seeming bent Reduced central vision in one or both eyes Decreased intensity or brightness of colors A well-defined blurry spot or a blind spot in your field of vision A general haziness in your overall vision For more information visit https://www.retinaindia.in/ Tag = #BestEyeHospitalinMumbai #RetinaSpecialistinIndia #BestRetinaHospitalInMumbai
4 years ago

Did Your Experience Floaters And Shooting Stars Suddenly In Your Vision? This May Probably Be Retinal Detachment

Introduction Sudden occurrence of floaters and flashes of light may indicate ocular disorders. If you are experiencing such symptoms, immediately book an appointment with the best Retina Specialist in India. Retinal Detachment Retina plays a vital role in vision. Any problem in the retina should be considered an emergency. The problem, if not treated properly, may lead to vision loss or many times, complete blindness. As age increases, the collagen-rich vitreous humor gets collapsed. This results in a sudden occurrence of floaters in the vision. Some patients also experience flashes. Flashes develop when the jelly-like substance comes in contact with the retina. This condition is termed as posterior vitreous detachment. However, in almost 1 in 10 people who suffer from symptoms such as floaters and flashes, there is a deeper serious issue. These symptoms may also be caused due to tears, holes, or retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss. Highly myopic people are at increased risk of developing retinal detachment. For a successful vision, preservation may be done through diagnosing and managing the condition as soon as possible. Symptoms Of Retinal Detachment Retinal detachment may include holes, tears, or complete detachment of the retina. The majority of symptoms are due to debris. The symptoms may reduce after some time when the debris moves out of vision due to gravity or may never go completely. As the retina is essential for perfect vision, there are certain symptoms experienced during retinal disorder. The symptoms include: Floaters: A person with retinal detachment experiences a sudden occurrence of floaters in the visual field. The debris may lead to floaters which are seen when their shadow falls on the retina. Flashes of light: Retinal detachment may cause flashes of light in one or both the eyes. This is caused when the debris tags to the retina leading to its stimulation. Reduced peripheral vision: The peripheral vision of the patient suffering from retinal detachment is significantly reduced. Shadow over the visual field: The patient experiences shadow or curtail over the visual field. Treatment For Retinal Detachment There are various treatments for retinal detachment. However, the key to preserving the maximum vision to consult the doctor as soon as you experience the initial symptoms. More is the time between the presenting of symptoms and treatment more is the damage caused to vision. Following are some of the treatment options for retinal detachment: For retinal tears: Laser surgery and freezing are the two most common treatment methods for the management of retinal tears. For retinal detachment: Retinal detachment is managed through indenting ocular surface, injecting the gas, and fluid drainage and replacement. After the surgery, it may take months to improve the vision. Unfortunately, some people never regain their lost vision. When To See A Doctor Visit the ophthalmologist as soon as you have any change in the vision. Floaters and flashes of light in your vision indicates a certain serious problem. Please note that any delay in diagnosis and treatment may lead to permanent vision loss. Tags = #RetinaTreatmentinIndia #RetinaSpecialistinIndia #RetinaSurgeryInMumbai #bestRetinahospitalInMumbai #RetinasurgeoninMumbai https://www.retinaindia.in/blog/best-retina-specialist-in-india-retinal-detachment-retina-treatment-for-retinal-detachment/
4 years ago

Laser Photocoagulation In Diabetic Retinopathy - Ojaseyehospital

Introduction Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition that may lead to blindness. If you are diabetic, you should have a routine eye examination. If you feel any changes in your vision, consult with an ophthalmologist. Get retina treatment in Mumbai from the best ophthalmologist. What Is Diabetic Retinopathy? People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing retinal diseases. The retinal disease caused because of diabetes is known as diabetic retinopathy. Approximately 2 in every 5 diabetic patients suffer for mild to severe form of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy may be caused due to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy may affect both children and adults. Women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing this condition. It is also to be noted that diabetic retinopathy may lead to permanent vision loss. Thus, the only way to preserve the vision is to consult with the ophthalmologists as soon as the symptoms of retinopathy or any change in vision occur. The ophthalmologists are experts enough to prevent the progression of the disease and thus able to avoid blindness. Out of various options available for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, photocoagulation therapy is effective in managing the condition even when it progresses into a later stage. How Laser Photocoagulation Helpful In Diabetic Retinopathy? The retina is situated at the back of the eye. It is supplied by various tiny blood vessels. In diabetes, these tiny blood vessels swell and bleed. This results in a reduced supply of blood to the retina. The scar gets formed on the retina. In cases where the immediate treatment is not provided, the retina may detach. A detachment of retina affects the vision. Angiogenesis may also occur in the retina. To prevent the leakage of blood vessels and to destroy the new blood vessels, the ophthalmologist may recommend photocoagulation. In mild to moderate cases, where there is only the leakage, the doctor may advise focal photocoagulation. This process involves the use of a laser. The laser is concentrated on a small section of blood vessels. The heat generated through laser seals the blood vessels. This prevents the leakage of blood. In more advanced cases, where there is a growth of new blood vessels, scatter photocoagulation is used. This process burns the new blood vessels. Depending upon the extent of disease, the burning through laser may cause vision loss to some extent. Photocoagulation prevents macular edema, blindness and a detached retina in the patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy. The procedure takes approximately one hour. The pupil is dilated and anesthetic is administered in the eye. Although there are some flashes of light seen during the procedure most patients do not feel pain. You are advised to wear dark glasses. The soreness in eyes will remain for a few days and goes away as eyes heal. What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetic Retinopathy? Following are the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy: Blurry vision Floaters Reduced ability to see colors. Unable to read and drive properly Holes in the vision Seeing cobwebs How To Manage Diabetes? To reduce the risk of diabetic complications, you should manage your diabetes. This can be done through the following measures: Staying hydrated Quit smoking Drinking enough water Reduce weight Healthy diet Enough quantity of vitamins and minerals Reduced intake of sugar and processed food. Tags = #RetinatreatmentinIndia, #RetinaSpecialistinIndia, #RetinaSurgeryInMumbai, #bestRetinahospitalInMumbai, #RetinasurgeoninMumbai, #RetinatreatmentinMumbai https://www.retinaindia.in/blog/laser-photocoagulation-in-diabetic-retinopathy-retina-treatment-in-mumbai-treatment-of-diabetic-retinopathy/