

2 years ago

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) - Ojaseyehospital

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding disease caused by abnormal development of retinal blood vessels in premature infants. Infants weighing about 2¾ pounds (1250 grams) or less and are born before 31 weeks of gestation are more likely to be affected by ROP. Retina of the eye is the innermost layer, that receives light and turns it into visual information that is sent to the brain. In Premature babies, the blood vessels that feed the retina haven’t finished growing, and get disturbed growth pattern due to premature birth. When ROP is severe, it can cause retinal detachment and possible blindness. Smaller a baby at birth, more likely chances are that baby will develop ROP. This disorder affects mostly both eyes and is the most common cause of vision loss in childhood and can lead to lifelong vision impairment and blindness. How common is ROP? With recent advances in neonatal care, premature babies are saved and not all premature infants develop ROP. Out of 20 million children born annually in India and 0.6 million admitted to NICUs all over the country, about 10% of these infants are at risk of developing ROP. As per the figure given by Clare Gilbert in 2010, there are about 0.3 million blind children (>15 years of age) in India and 10% of them are blind due to ROP. There are approximately 3.9 million infants born in the U.S. each year. About 14,000 are affected by ROP and 400-600 infants each year in the U.S. become legally blind from ROP. About 90 percent of all infants with ROP are in the milder category and do not need treatment. How ROP Develops? Eye formation starts at 16th week of pregnancy. Blood vessels begin forming around optic nerve. These blood vessels grow towards the edges of the developing retina supplying oxygen and nutrients. In the last 12 weeks, eye matures rapidly and if a baby takes birth prematurely, normal vessel growth may stop and retinal edges may be devoid of nutrients and oxygen. According to some studies, periphery of the retina sends out signals for nourishment and as a result, new abnormal vessels begin to grow. These newly formed vessels are weak and tend to bleed, leading to scarring of retina and ultimately detachment. This is the prime cause for blindness in ROP. Risk Factors for ROP Factors contributing to the risk of ROP include anemia, blood transfusions, respiratory distress, breathing difficulties, Hyperoxia, Hypoxia, Hypotension and the overall health of the infant. The most important risk factors for ROP are prematurity and low birth weight. Phototherapy is also attributed to the development of ROP. Signs of Retinopathy of prematurity: ROP shows variety of presentations: Avascular retina Scarring or dragging of the retina Vitreous hemorrhage Cataract Development Retinal detachment. Do everyone need to see retina specialist Premature babies before 30 weeks of gestation and babies who are underweight are at higher risk. These infants are always advised to visit eye doctor for checkup. Best time to visit retina specialist is preferred within 30 days of birth. Retinal screening done in this period is quite beneficial for the treatment of the infant. Treatment Mild cases do not need any treatment, while in advanced cases a variety of treatment options are available. The most effective and proven treatment for ROP is laser therapy or cryotherapy. Late stages may require scleral buckle or Vitrectomy Scleral buckle – It is usually done in stage IV or V. A silicone band is placed around the eye, It keeps the vitreous gel from pulling on the scar tissue and allows the retina to flatten back down onto the wall of the eye. This band is removed later as eye continues to grow; otherwise infant will develop myopia. Vitrectomy – This is performed in stage V only and involves removing the vitreous and replacing it with a saline solution. Once vitreous has been removed, the scar tissue on the retina can be peeled back, allowing the retina to relax and lay back down against the eye wall. Tag = #EyeHospitalinMumbai #RetinatreatmentinIndia #bestRetinaHospitalInMumbai #BestEyeSurgeoninMumbai
4 years ago

Treatment of Eye Emergencies at Ojas Eye Hospital in Mumbai

The Eye is a very delicate organ. Any event of the eye or change in the vision needs immediate medical attention. Although finding yourself in an emergency condition itself is scary, and if your visibility is affected, it makes it even more worrisome .First thing in an emergency is to remain calm and one panics , you tend to injure yourself more. Our body is prepared to manage stressful conditions and by being aware and precautionary about certain situations you can handle and avoid eye emergencies more efficiently. Symptoms of eye injury These below mentioned symptoms need medical attention from your eye doctor : Burning or stinging sensation Eye pain Decreased vision Different size of pupil Sensitivity to light Redness and irritation Headaches Bleeding from the eye Reduced eye movement Swelling of eyelids and eyes Skin Tear or cut in the eyelid region Appearance of a veil or curtain , affecting vision First aid tips Eye injury is crucial as it may cause temporary or permanent vision loss. Moreover, it hampers your work and can keep you away from your job responsibilities. By using safety gears, you not only save yourself from injury and pain caused, but also reduce the recovery time after the event. First and foremost thing is not to panic and respond quickly to get medical attention immediately. Common eye injury categories are: Eye scratch or Corneal abrasion It is difficult to tell how bad an eye scratch or corneal abrasion can be. A minor one can heal by itself, First you can start with an eye rinse by sterile saline solution. Never rub your eyes after injury, as it complicates the situation. Wearing sunglasses and keeping the eye closed until you seek medical attention is advisable as sometimes eye become light sensitive. Blow to the eye First line of treatment in case of impacted eye is to gently apply cold compression. This reduces the pain and swelling of the eye. Chemical burn If you work in a place where chemical splash is common, best practice is to use safety gear all the time. Irrespective of that, if any chemical splashes to the eye, reach out for the fresh water tap and thoroughly wash out the chemical. Acid splash is rinsed out easily, while alkali splash is much more severe. In case of chemical burn, your eye doctor will go for the vision test first and then for the rest of the test to understand the extent of damage caused to the eye. Stepwise care Wash your hands with soap first to remove any traces of chemical as a splash residue. Turn your head towards the injured side. With the help of shower or fresh tap water rinse the eye for about 15 minutes. Foreign body in the eye Most of people have experienced this feeling of “something in the eye”. Eye becomes tender and watery until the foreign material is flushed out. It is the eye’s defence mechanism to produce tears for washing out the cause. Never rub your eye instead try blinking if it gets clear. You may need someone’s help to look in the eye to find out the irritant. Artificial tears can be used to rinse out the foreign particle. Sometimes, sharp or small particles of glass or wood get stuck in the eye, do not try to take out by yourself, seek medical attention in that case. Do not use tweezers or any picking tools to take out protruded object from the eye as it can worsen the treatment outcome. Gradual or Sudden vision loss Gradual vision loss is mostly due to advancement of pre-existing disease like cataract. Whereas any case of sudden vision loss needs immediate medical attention. Reasons for Acute vision loss are Optic neuropathy Migraine headaches Central retinal vein and artery occlusion Retinal detachment Black eye Black eye usually results from the injury to the eye or eye socket. Simple immediate cold compression is helpful in reducing swelling and bruise healing. In case of symptoms like double vision, blurred vision, eye ball protrusion, headache after a black eye, you need medical attention as early as possible. When visiting an eye doctor, it is recommended to go for dilated eye examination to find out the internal damage to the eye. Lacerations Often cuts on the eyelid margins or the eyeball itself are noticed. These situations need immediate medical attention. Pink eye The term Pink eye is used commonly for conjunctivitis and not considered as an eye . emergency. However you need to consult an eye doctor and get proper medical treatment. Viral conjunctivitis is common in winter season. Bacterial conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis also manifests the same way as viral conjunctivitis. Precautions to be taken are : Avoid any sort of contact with others as it is highly contagious. People should use hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap every time they come in contact with infected patient. Antibiotic ointment and drops are usually prescribed to stop and prevent further bacterial contamination. Prescribed medication and eye drops are to be regularly used for curbing the infection. Sunlight injury Yes, you are reading right that even sunlight, considered as boon to the earth, can sometime lead to eye injury. It is always better to use sunglasses while going outdoors. Sunlight injury may cause symptoms like halo formations, light sensitivity, blurry vision, flashes. Subconjunctival Haemorrhage As a result of trauma, sometimes blood gets leaked between sclera and conjunctiva. It is an asymptomatic condition apart from mild irritation. Blood tests can be performed just to rule out any clotting disorders. No treatment is required and clot resolves on its own within several days to weeks. Acute glaucoma Glaucoma can be acute or chronic, Acute variant is an eye emergency. It is seen as sudden increase of fluid pressure within the eye and associated with pain, redness and vision changes. Headache It is commonly seen that headaches are associated with vision defects. Eye strain from wrong posture or long working hours on computer may cause tension like headaches. Serious conditions like tumours of the eye may also present themselves as episodes of headaches, so it is recommended to go for an eye examination and rule out the possibility. Orbital swelling Orbit walls are very thin and are in close proximity to the brain. It is taken as a serious condition because Dental infection, sinusitis or orbital infection may extend to the brain and create a new set of complications. Orbital cellulitis leads to proptosis, pain on eye movement and visual impairment. It is a serious condition and needs to be evaluated the same day. Preventing eye injuries Don’t allow children to play with sharp objects and projectile toys. Keep scissors, blades, knifes out of accident prone areas in the house. Be cautious while cooking in the kitchen with grease and oil. Keep heated grooming instruments like hair dryer, hair straightening tools away from the eye. Always follow the instruction manual while using house cleaning chemicals. Treatment of Eye Emergencies Eye Emergencies are of various types, so treatment also depends on the severity of the case. Various options like Ice packs, medications, eye drops, aspirins, and advanced cases are treated with surgical modalities. To schedule an appointment with one of our experts or to know more about our various corrective and treatment modalities, feel free to contact us at +91 22 61549999 or visit our clinic at Bandra and Kandivali. For More Detail https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/blog/treatment-of-eye-emergencies/ Tags = #EyeHospitalinMumbai #BestEyeHospitalinMumbai #RetinaTreatmentinMumbai #RetinaTreatmentinIndia #KeratoconusTreatmentinMumbai #KeratoconusTreatmentinIndia #LasikTreatmentinIndia #CataractSurgeryInIndia
4 years ago

Did Your Experience Floaters And Shooting Stars Suddenly In Your Vision? This May Probably Be Retinal Detachment

Introduction Sudden occurrence of floaters and flashes of light may indicate ocular disorders. If you are experiencing such symptoms, immediately book an appointment with the best Retina Specialist in India. Retinal Detachment Retina plays a vital role in vision. Any problem in the retina should be considered an emergency. The problem, if not treated properly, may lead to vision loss or many times, complete blindness. As age increases, the collagen-rich vitreous humor gets collapsed. This results in a sudden occurrence of floaters in the vision. Some patients also experience flashes. Flashes develop when the jelly-like substance comes in contact with the retina. This condition is termed as posterior vitreous detachment. However, in almost 1 in 10 people who suffer from symptoms such as floaters and flashes, there is a deeper serious issue. These symptoms may also be caused due to tears, holes, or retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss. Highly myopic people are at increased risk of developing retinal detachment. For a successful vision, preservation may be done through diagnosing and managing the condition as soon as possible. Symptoms Of Retinal Detachment Retinal detachment may include holes, tears, or complete detachment of the retina. The majority of symptoms are due to debris. The symptoms may reduce after some time when the debris moves out of vision due to gravity or may never go completely. As the retina is essential for perfect vision, there are certain symptoms experienced during retinal disorder. The symptoms include: Floaters: A person with retinal detachment experiences a sudden occurrence of floaters in the visual field. The debris may lead to floaters which are seen when their shadow falls on the retina. Flashes of light: Retinal detachment may cause flashes of light in one or both the eyes. This is caused when the debris tags to the retina leading to its stimulation. Reduced peripheral vision: The peripheral vision of the patient suffering from retinal detachment is significantly reduced. Shadow over the visual field: The patient experiences shadow or curtail over the visual field. Treatment For Retinal Detachment There are various treatments for retinal detachment. However, the key to preserving the maximum vision to consult the doctor as soon as you experience the initial symptoms. More is the time between the presenting of symptoms and treatment more is the damage caused to vision. Following are some of the treatment options for retinal detachment: For retinal tears: Laser surgery and freezing are the two most common treatment methods for the management of retinal tears. For retinal detachment: Retinal detachment is managed through indenting ocular surface, injecting the gas, and fluid drainage and replacement. After the surgery, it may take months to improve the vision. Unfortunately, some people never regain their lost vision. When To See A Doctor Visit the ophthalmologist as soon as you have any change in the vision. Floaters and flashes of light in your vision indicates a certain serious problem. Please note that any delay in diagnosis and treatment may lead to permanent vision loss. Tags = #RetinaTreatmentinIndia #RetinaSpecialistinIndia #RetinaSurgeryInMumbai #bestRetinahospitalInMumbai #RetinasurgeoninMumbai https://www.retinaindia.in/blog/best-retina-specialist-in-india-retinal-detachment-retina-treatment-for-retinal-detachment/
4 years ago

Social Media and other sites of Ojas Eye Hospital in Mumbai

Ojas Eye Hospital - www.ojaseyehospital.com Ojas Eye Hospital began its journey in Ophthalmic Eye Care on 7th June 1987 and has been providing eye treatments since then. Over the past 2 decades, Ojas has emerged as a leading ophthalmic centre in Mumbai & India and has restored vision to over 1,50,000 patients across India and the world. Ojas has been the enterprise of Dr. Niteen Dedhia, who is practicing Ophthalmology for over 28 years. Dr. Dedhia has been a pioneer in performing LASIK surgery; being amongst the first to perform microkeratome LASIK as well as blade-free (Intralase femtosecond) LASIK in the country. He is also among the first to bring phakic Intra-ocular lenses to India, providing respite to patients with very high myopia. Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/OjasEyeHospitalMumbaiIndia Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/ojaseyehospital/ Twitter = https://twitter.com/ojaseyehospital YouTube = https://www.youtube.com/user/DrNiteenDedhia Keratoconusindia - www.keratoconusindia.in Retinaindia - www.retinaindia.in Cataractindia – www.cataractindia.in Lasikindia - www.lasikindia.com Tags = #EyeHospitalinMumbai #KeratoconustreatmentinIndia #RetinatreatmentinIndia #CataracttreatmentinMumbai #LasiktreatmentinIndia
4 years ago

Retinal Detachment: Risk Factors And Protection

Introduction Retinal detachment is a displacement of the retina from its normal position. There are various causes of retinal detachment. Book an appointment with the best eye clinic in Mumbai if you experience any problem with your vision. Retinal Detachment The retina is a layer present at the back of the eye. The retina is vital for vision. Any problem in the retina may cause vision problems. One such problem is retinal detachment. Normally the retina is strongly attached to the underlying choroid layer. In retinal detachment, the retinal tissue starts separating from the underlying layer called the choroid. It may lead to vision loss and requires immediate surgical intervention. In the case of retinal detachment, the retina may not be able to get the oxygen and nutrients from the underlying blood vessels. In the absence of nutrients, the retina may not be able to perform its function resulting in vision problems and vision loss. Types Of Retinal Detachment Depending upon the cause of retinal detachment, the retinal detachment can be of the following types: Tractional retinal detachment: The common cause of tractional retinal detachment is diabetes. A high level of sugar in the blood damages the vessels supplying the blood to the retina. This results in scarring and fibrosis in the retina. The scar may cause a pull on the retina and lead to a retinal detachment. Exudative retinal detachment: Exudative retinal detachment occurs when there is a fluid accumulation just behind the retina. This increases the pressure behind the retina, which forces it to separate from its original position. This results in retinal detachment. The conditions that may result in exudative retinal detachment are inflammation, age-related macular degeneration, eye injury, and tumor in the eye. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: This occurs due to the natural aging process. Due to aging the jelly liquid known as vitreous, shrinks and collapses resulting in pulling of the retina. This results in a tear in the retina. Because of the tear, the fluid goes into the back of the retina and creates pressure behind and lifts the retina separating it from the underlying layer called the choroid. This may cause the retina to displace from its position resulting in retinal detachment. Risk Factors For Retinal Detachment Although retinal detachment may occur to any person, certain factors increase the risk of retinal detachment: A family history of retinal detachment If you have severe near-sightedness or high myopia If you have underlying eye disease such as uveitis If you are over the age of 50 years If you have an eye injury If you have undergone eye surgery Symptoms Of Retinal Detachment Retinal detachment is an emergency condition. You should immediately consult the eye doctor if you experience the following symptoms: If you experience flashing of lights If there is a sudden increase in floaters in the field of your vision If you experience a veil or cloud in your vision If you have a shadow of blurred vision Prevention Of Blindness From Retinal Detachment You should contact the best eye surgeon in Mumbai if you experience any of the symptoms of retinal detachment. Any change in the vision should be evaluated by the best eye doctor in Mumbai. Any delay in treatment may result in permanent damage to your vision. Conclusion Risk factors for retinal detachment are age above 50 years, medical and family history of retinal detachment, and extreme near-sightedness. Do not delay in getting a consultation with the eye doctor in case of vision problems. Tag = #EyeHospitalinMumbai #BestEyeHospitalinMumbai #EyeSpecialistinMumbai #RetinaTreatmentinMumbai #RetinaTreatmentinIndia #RetinaSpecialistinMumbai https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/blog/retinal-detachment-risk-factors-and-protection/
4 years ago

Laser Photocoagulation In Diabetic Retinopathy - Ojaseyehospital

Introduction Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition that may lead to blindness. If you are diabetic, you should have a routine eye examination. If you feel any changes in your vision, consult with an ophthalmologist. Get retina treatment in Mumbai from the best ophthalmologist. What Is Diabetic Retinopathy? People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing retinal diseases. The retinal disease caused because of diabetes is known as diabetic retinopathy. Approximately 2 in every 5 diabetic patients suffer for mild to severe form of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy may be caused due to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy may affect both children and adults. Women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing this condition. It is also to be noted that diabetic retinopathy may lead to permanent vision loss. Thus, the only way to preserve the vision is to consult with the ophthalmologists as soon as the symptoms of retinopathy or any change in vision occur. The ophthalmologists are experts enough to prevent the progression of the disease and thus able to avoid blindness. Out of various options available for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, photocoagulation therapy is effective in managing the condition even when it progresses into a later stage. How Laser Photocoagulation Helpful In Diabetic Retinopathy? The retina is situated at the back of the eye. It is supplied by various tiny blood vessels. In diabetes, these tiny blood vessels swell and bleed. This results in a reduced supply of blood to the retina. The scar gets formed on the retina. In cases where the immediate treatment is not provided, the retina may detach. A detachment of retina affects the vision. Angiogenesis may also occur in the retina. To prevent the leakage of blood vessels and to destroy the new blood vessels, the ophthalmologist may recommend photocoagulation. In mild to moderate cases, where there is only the leakage, the doctor may advise focal photocoagulation. This process involves the use of a laser. The laser is concentrated on a small section of blood vessels. The heat generated through laser seals the blood vessels. This prevents the leakage of blood. In more advanced cases, where there is a growth of new blood vessels, scatter photocoagulation is used. This process burns the new blood vessels. Depending upon the extent of disease, the burning through laser may cause vision loss to some extent. Photocoagulation prevents macular edema, blindness and a detached retina in the patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy. The procedure takes approximately one hour. The pupil is dilated and anesthetic is administered in the eye. Although there are some flashes of light seen during the procedure most patients do not feel pain. You are advised to wear dark glasses. The soreness in eyes will remain for a few days and goes away as eyes heal. What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetic Retinopathy? Following are the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy: Blurry vision Floaters Reduced ability to see colors. Unable to read and drive properly Holes in the vision Seeing cobwebs How To Manage Diabetes? To reduce the risk of diabetic complications, you should manage your diabetes. This can be done through the following measures: Staying hydrated Quit smoking Drinking enough water Reduce weight Healthy diet Enough quantity of vitamins and minerals Reduced intake of sugar and processed food. Tags = #RetinatreatmentinIndia, #RetinaSpecialistinIndia, #RetinaSurgeryInMumbai, #bestRetinahospitalInMumbai, #RetinasurgeoninMumbai, #RetinatreatmentinMumbai https://www.retinaindia.in/blog/laser-photocoagulation-in-diabetic-retinopathy-retina-treatment-in-mumbai-treatment-of-diabetic-retinopathy/