The BBC’s relationship with Stonewall is finally being scrutinised | The Spectator
I have often criticised BBC journalism on the issues of sex and gender because that journalism has often been quite bad. So it’s all the more important to for me to highlight instances when the...
Stonewall’s influence on BBC and Ofcom revealed!
The extent of the influence of LGBTQ charity Stonewall in public bodies across the UK has been revealed in a BBC investigation.
#BBC#BBCNews#NolanInvestigates#GetStonewallOut#StonewallOut #Stonewalled #LobbyGroup #DiversityScheme #WorkplaceEqualityIndex #DiversityChampionsprogramme #Ofcom #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGB
Stonewall’s influence on BBC and Ofcom revealed
The BBC Nolan Investigates podcast says the charity's work raises questions of impartiality.
The Trojan Horse of Stonewall | Robin Aitken | The Critic Magazine
News that the BBC is apparently considering withdrawing from Stonewall’s “Diversity Champions” scheme comes as a double surprise; who knew that the Corporation had signed-up in the first...
BBC expected to quit Stonewall's LGBT-AlphabetSoup diversity programme!
Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and even trans people who now detest Stonewall and its controversial champion scheme are getting ready to celebrate!
#DownfallOfStonewall#Stonewall#StonewallOut#Stonewalled #BBC #LGBT #LGB #LGBTI #2SLGBTQQIA #BritishBroadcastingCorporation
Stonewall may cling to relevance online, but in the real world their reign of intolerance is coming to an end
The organisation has come to embody the ‘no debate’ identity-obsessed neurosis of social media - thin-skinned and directionless
Utterly shameful and twisted. Your organisation no longer wishes to champion diversity and hides behind weasel words as you cave into pressure from shrill sirens opposed to equality.” This is how Lord Michael Cashman chose to respond to the news that media regulator Ofcom had left an employment scheme run by LGBT lobby group Stonewall. Cashman is a co-founder of Stonewall, and he has chosen to stand by the charity despite mounting criticism that its approach to trans identities is extremist and intolerant.
#StonewallOut#stonewalled#stonewalling#Stonewall#LGBT #LGB
Stonewall may cling to relevance online, but in the real world their reign of intolerance is coming to an end
The organisation has come to embody the ‘no debate’ identity-obsessed neurosis of social media - thin-skinned and directionless
Stonewall ambassador: I believed in the scheme to uphold rights but we created a monster
I was working at American Express in the heyday of Stonewall’s brilliant campaign for LGB equality at work. As a “Stonewall ambassador”, I was pleased and proud to support the Diversity...