Two weeks ago, I resigned my post as philosophy professor at Sussex University. For three years, I’ve faced bullying and harassment for my views on sex and gender. More recently, this intensified...
There is no other way of putting it: a distinguished academic has been driven out of her job at a British university. For insisting on the reality of biological sex. A belief protected in law....
Kathleen Stock resigns from University of Sussex after trans rights row
A professor has quit the University of Sussex after she was targeted by student activists over her views on transgender people. Kathleen Stock, a philosophy pro
Kathleen Stock: professor in trans row splits Labour and Tories
Hundreds of academicas have backed a Sussex University professor accused of transphobia by students, describing the attacks on her as misleading and part of a “pernicious erosion of academic...
Hung out to dry | Josephine Bartosch | The Critic Magazine
Today the Sussex branch of the University College Union (SUCU) didn’t so much turn its back on Professor Kathleen Stock, as plant a knife in hers, right between the shoulder blades.
Hate campaign at UK university shows how appeasing trans ideology encourages mob rule
The time for equivocation in the trans debate is over. Militant activists viciously campaigning to oust a professor at the University of Sussex have been emboldened by the words of politicians who...