

6 months ago
ADVANCED WELL ENGINEERING | PREMIUM ENGINEERING SERVICES TO MAXIMIZE - THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR WELL DELIVERY PROCESS H&P’s Advanced Well Engineering service combines the vast experience of their engineering team and DrillScan® digital solutions, an industry-leading technology, to optimize the delivery of high-performance wells for operators. Our comprehensive solutions are tailored to help you achieve your desired outcome by addressing critical areas such as drilling performance, operation efficiency, and well design. We offer reduced cycle times, lighter well architectures, and measures to minimize exposure to safety hazards associated with drilling operations. “OUR SERVICE IS TRULY AN UNBIASED VIEW OF THE DATA PROVIDED, COMBINED WITH OUR UNIQUE PHYSICS-BASED MODELS AND EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE TO HELP DELIVER AN OPTIMAL WELL” WE TAILOR EACH SERVICE TO ALIGN WITH THE SPECIFIC DESIRED OUTCOME OF OUR CLIENTS We offer a range of specific outcomes for our clients through our three pillars of service: Real-Time Advisory, Well Delivery, and Tailored Analysis. The pillars of service can also be combined with many other Helmerich & Payne technology offerings, such as the Bit Guidance System and AutoSlide® technology, to unlock further value for our clients. Real-Time Advisory • Drilling Engineer Advisory • Remote Operations Center Well Delivery • Project Definition • Feasibility Assessment • Technology & Services Selection • Time & Cost Estimation • Well Design • Execution Tailored Analysis • Directional Drilling • Drilling Performance • Tubular Integrity • Well Integrity FIELD-PROVEN EXECUTION OPERATOR CHALLENGE: MITIGATE COSTLY MOTOR FAILURES WHILE DRILLING TWO-MILE UNCONVENTIONAL LATERAL SECTIONS OUTCOME: 1. Time Savings • One run/curve lateral saved 1.75 days • of nonproductive time (NPT), equating to approximately $105,000 2. Reduce BHA Failures and Repair Costs • 4 out of the 5 following wells were able to • drill the curve and lateral in one run 3. Reduce Time to Target • Slide ROP increased over 120%* OPERATOR CHALLENGE: AVOID UNPLANNED BHA TRIPS WHILE DRILLING IN AN EXTREME ENVIRONMENT OUTCOME: Wells 3 and 4, drilled using H&P’s integrated solutions, reduced the average bottom drilling hours from 196 to 139 hours compared to the manually operated wells 1 and 2 - resulting in a savings of 57 hours. OPERATOR CHALLENGE: DEPLOY A LIGHTER WELL ARCHITECTURE FOR UPCOMING DRILLING CAMPAIGN OUTCOME: Even a change as small as proper selection of centralizers can lead to the added cost of overdesigned well architecture. H&P’s Advanced Well Engineering team using DrillScan®technology was able to help Tullow Oil, an operator in West Africa: • Increase reliability & profitability • Reduce human variability • Reduce CO2e emissions Contact us to know more about us: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #pdf #h&ptechnology #oilandgasindustry #drillscan #autoslidetechnology #advancedwellengineering