

12 months ago
Feedback from Telangana first SnPC Mobile brick making machine owner. Worlds 1st fully automatic mobile bricks making machine by the snpc machines india. There are 04 models in fully automatic machines are bmm160-fully automatic brick making machine, bmm310-fully automatic brick making machine, bmm400-fully automatic brick making machine, bmm404-fully automatic brick making machine. All the models are fully automatic and mobile or portable which gives the freedom to the brick manufacturers around the world to produce the bricks anywhere- anytime- any quantity. https://youtu.be/9W3T66nx8qE?feature=shared #brickmakingmachineIndia #brickmakingmachineTelangana #brickmakingmachineDelhi #brickmakingmachienHaryana #SnPCMachines #TeamSnPC #constructionmachinery #brickmakingtools #brickmachinepriceIndia
30000 ईंट रोज से 80000 ईंट से रोज बनाने का सफर अमन ब्रिक महाराष्ट्र। SnPC Brick Marking Machine