

2 months ago
Drive Safety Month In H&P At H&P we dedicate the month of April to actively promoting vehicle safety in all forms. Our goal is to increase awareness of key topics like distracted driving, fatigue and seatbelt use. You may think, “Seatbelts? Who doesn’t wear a seatbelt?” Unfortunately, 27.5 million Americans admit there are times when they don’t. I have a very personal story about our momentary decisions that have lifelong impact. I encourage each and every one of you to Actively C.A.R.E. by being selfish about your safety. Buckle up – not only for yourself, but also for those who need you to make it home safe. Read out the full article here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/Seatbelt-Awareness_041524.pdf?_gl=1*yjmme8*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Driving Safety Forward Podcast Watch out the full podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVrfHixaHqE. Safe Driving Resources That Just "Click" Click here for driving safety moment: https://h-p.canto.com/s/MOLMT?viewIndex=0 Click here for driving stats to share: https://h-p.canto.com/s/KD21C?viewIndex=0 Click here to know about the 3 keys of save driving: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/3-Keys-to-Driving-Safety.pdf?_gl=1*1rbdh40*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Read out the full HSE Blog here: https://info.helmerichpayne.com/hse/drive-safety-month-in-hp. Contact us here to reach out to one of our Sales representatives for better drilling outcomes for your organization: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #hseblogsubmission
Driving Safety Forward: An Industry Panel Discussion | Moderated by Drilling Company H&P
2 months ago
H&P GLOBAL GEOMAGNETIC MODELS Effortless survey management solutions by the proven industry leader Reducing Uncertainty in Wellbore Placement With directional drilling in today’s market, well placement is of ever-increasing importance in the process of successfully drilling a well. Well placement by Measurements While Drilling (MWD) uses the direction of the Earth’s gravity and magnetic field as a natural reference frame. For years, the industry standard used low resolution global models for this reference, such as the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-13). These models only captured a fraction of the true complexity of the Earth’s magnetic field, leading to inaccurate MWD corrections and consequently large uncertainties in the wellbore’s final placement. Large uncertainties in the final wellbore placement lead to many issues in the life cycle of the well. Improper placement can lead to a loss in reservoir production or collision issues with adjacent wells. To help reduce these uncertainties and help alleviate the issues posed by them, H&P recognized the need for higher resolution models of the Earth’s magnetic field. Allowing for more accurate MWD corrections while drilling the well. To accomplish this, H&P offers a full suite of services to reduce this uncertainty so every customer has an option that meets their needs. One of those is highly accurate global geomagnetic reference models. Global Geomagnetic Reference Models H&P recognized the need for more accurate global geomagnetic reference models versus the industry standard. We also realize not every client has the same needs or budget. With that in mind, we produce the MagVAR Standard Definition Global Geomagnetic Model (MVSD) and the MagVAR High Definition Global Geomagnetic Model (MVHD). The MVSD is a spherical harmonic model of the Earth’s main field built from global magnetic data collected via satellites. H&P’s modeling captures the Earth’s main field and crustal anomalies as small as 300 km in size, making the MVSD a significant improvement over the industry standard IGRF model. The MVSD meets the conditions of the MWD tool code. The MVHD is an ellipsoidal harmonic model built from global satellite magnetic data plus near-surface magnetic data sets. This allows the MVHD to capture the Earth’s main field and crustal anomalies down to a resolution of 40 km. The increased resolution of the MVHD is a great solution compared to other models in the industry. The MVHD will satisfy the conditions of the MWD+HRGM tool code. The MVSD and MVHD models are updated annually to capture the secular changes to the magnetic field and implement modeling improvements. REDUCE THE ELLIPSES OF UNCERTAINTY By integrating the MVSD or MVHD models into your workflow you will reduce the Ellipses of Uncertainty (EOU). Our software now has the ability to use the MWD or MWD+HRGM tool codes when planning and drilling a well. Benefits include increased separation factors when anticollision planning, reservoir production and safety. EASE OF USE H&P delivers each model with our global calculator. A user-friendly interface used to extract single or multiple points along a well path file from either MVSD or MVHD at your chosen date. H&P can also make the models available as a plug-in for your well planning or directional drilling software of choice, making this a seamless integration to your workflow. TOOL CODE REFERENCE MODEL APPROX EOU± MWD + IGRF IGRF +10% MWD SD 0 % (STANDARD) MWD + HRGM HD -10% PROOF IN THE FLIGHT LINE At H&P, we compare our MVSD and MVHD models to proprietary high-resolution aeromagnetic surveys. By doing this, we provide proof in our modeling. These surveys represent Earth’s true magnetic field. As seen above, the MVSD model captures the overall trend of the Earth’s main field. The higher resolution MVHD model begins to include some of the high-resolution features in the Earth’s magnetic field generated by the crustal component. ADDITIONAL ADD ON SERVICES At H&P, we also offer add on services that can further reduce uncertainty when using MVSD or MVHD. • Advanced MWD Analytics: method for reducing MWD survey error through least squares regression techniques • Sag: method of correcting bottom hole assembly (BHA) Sag misalignment • IFR Pad Solution (IFR-PS): IFR-1 level corrections based off local correction applied to MVHD from groundshots taken on pad CONTACT US TODAY AT +1 303 539 5339 OR VISIT https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact INDUSTRY EXPERTS ARE ALWAYS A PHONE CALL AWAY TO ANSWER ANY MVSD OR MVHD QUESTIONS YOU HAVE. Download the full product literature from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-literature/HP_OneSheet_Global_Models_v2.pdf #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #automateddirectionaldrilling
2 months ago
FlexB2D® Technology - achieve configurable and consistent bit AND BHA engagement Staging drilling set points after tagging bottom is often inconsistent and can cause drilling dysfunction. H&P has transformed this common multi-step task into an automated and configurable process with FlexB2D® technology. FlexB2D technology performs automated zeroing of the weight on bit (WOB) and differential pressure set points and helps ensure proper contact with the formation. This allows for configurable and consistent bit engagement, reducing bit and BHA torsional and lateral vibrations. • Reduce torsional and lateral vibration • Reduce bit and BHA damage • Cut unplanned trips • Decrease transition time from connection to drilling • Automated zeroing ensure accuracy and consistency • Automated staging to 9 operator defined drilling setpoints ensure consistent execution Repeatable Results Enable Optimal Outcomes Reduces Risk · Lowers risk of damaging downhole tools by reengaging the bit in a controlled and repeatable manner Lowers Total Cost of Operations · Less costly bit and BHA issues · Improved consistency drives lower cost per foot Accelerates Well Programs · Lower rotary to on-bottom time averages contribute to time savings in overall cycle time CONTACT US For more information on how FlexB2D® technology can help you achieve better drilling outcomes, contact an H&P sales representative today or contact us through our website at helmerichpayne.com/contact. Download the full product literature from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-literature/FactSheet_HPIDC-CS05_FlexB2D_Overview_V7.pdf #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #automateddirectionaldrilling
2 months ago
Weather Challenges in Drilling Rig Industry As spring approaches in the United States, many of us drilling in Oklahoma and Texas welcome the nicer temperatures but must also remain weather-aware with an expectation of severe storms, and even tornadoes. This isn’t something that could happen – it’s something that did happen as I worked on an Oklahoma rig that was in the path of a tornado one year ago. As a rig manager, it’s my responsibility to be sure my crew recognizes the importance of being prepared – knowing procedures and being ready at a moment’s notice to respond to unexpected circumstances, whether it’s severe weather, unexpected downhole conditions, equipment malfunction, the list goes on. Let’s be sure we Actively C.A.R.E.™ for ourselves and others throughout all seasons. a secure working environment that empowers all in the oil and gas industry. Click here to read the full article: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/drilling-in-tornado-alley-a-firsthand-account-of-a-rig-manager-who-had-to-take-cover?_gl=1*r33cxo*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Navigating Mother Nature's Challenges Weather Safety Moment: https://h-p.canto.com/s/THMJM?viewIndex=0. Offshore Weather Safety: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/navigating-mother-natures-challenges-ensuring-safety-in-offshore-drilling-operations?_gl=1*hxyli4*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Heat/Cold Guideline: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/Heat-and-Cold-Stress-Doc_021424-1.pdf?_gl=1*3oh7wb*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Read out the full HSE Blog from here: https://info.helmerichpayne.com/hse/weather-challenges-in-drilling-rig-industry. Contact us to reach out to our Sales Representative for better drilling outcomes: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #hseblogsubmission
2 months ago
Survey Management REMOVE UNCERTAINTY WITH DATA AS YOU DRILL Drilling practices alone are not enough to accurately deliver a high quality wellbore, as success is equally dependent on the accuracy of the wellbore survey. H&P’s Survey Management increases the accuracy and consistency of how we measure boreholes, enabling the delivery of any outcome that relies on knowledge of the wellbore position or shape. These outcomes include landing a curve, properly spacing laterals, safely performing collision avoidance operations, and updating well plans and geological models to accurately reflect data that was measured while drilling. Accurate, Consistent, and Reliable Wellbore Surveys By reducing the magnitude of survey errors commonly encountered during drilling operations and through the early identification and elimination of gross errors related to the surveying process, Survey Management improves the accuracy, consistency and reliability of wellbore positioning operations. H&P provides a pre-job report confirming basic well details and aligning operations on initialization of survey instruments. During drilling, real-time corrections of the survey data are performed and once the well is finished a post-job analysis of what occurred is provided so that operators can have greater confidence that survey execution was performed to their expectations. This helps eliminate gross errors that may directly contribute to major adverse events such as sidetracks, missed landing points and wellbore collisions. Reducing gross errors will in turn reduce the frequency of those negative outcomes. Reducing survey uncertainty can: · Expand the safe operating envelope available to a driller when performing collision avoidance operations · Drive more precise spacing of laterals · Enable more accurate total vertical depth (TVD) estimation both when landing the curve and drilling the lateral SMOOTH OPERATIONAL PROCESS ENABLES PAINLESS IMPLEMENTATION · Automated quality control and data processing · API connections to third party software · Trusted, technical experts provide procedures and best practices to help ensure survey success · Operations to scale without compromising service quality PROOF POINTS Figure 1: Reduce Bottomhole Uncertainty By Up To 60% ACCURACY COMPARISON - MAGNETIC DECLINATION Main field model: 0.8-1.0 deg at 2σ High-def model: 0.68 deg at 2σ IFR1 model: 0.32 deg at 2σ IFR1+GS Model: 0.16 deg at 2σ Figure 2: HIGH-DEFINITION MODELS + IN-FIELD REFERENCING + DIRECT OBSERVATION = EXTREME ACCURACY Download the full product literature from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-literature/Survey-Management.pdf. Reach out to our H&P Sales Representative directly for better drilling outcomes: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas
2 months ago
OPTIMIZED PRODUCTION STARTS HERE THE H&P FLEXRIG® FLEET OFFERS FLEXIBLE DESIGN AND INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY FOR UNLIMITED PERFORMANCE Our FlexRig® fleet offers configurations to deliver more power, more finesse, and greater mobility to match the demands of your operations. › The industry leader in performance and safety › Multiple configurations to match the unique demands of your drilling operation › Integrated advanced technologies paired with fully autonomous solutions. ENABLE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE WITH THE H&P PROPRIETARY CONTROL SYSTEM › Increased ROP › Ideal platform for additional drilling applications › Bit and BHA benefits • Fewer bits required • More bit re-runs • Reduced bit bounce • Maximize bit performance and life • Increased downhole motor life OUTCOMES Our FlexRig fleet offers configurations to safely deliver a reliable, repeatable well cycle to meet the unique demands of your operation. WHAT COULD 2-4 ADDITIONAL WELLS PER YEAR MEAN TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE? Contact us for more information on how our FlexRig® Fleet can help you achieve better drilling outcomes, contact an H&P sales representative today or contact us through our website at helmerichpayne.com/contact. It’s time to follow through on your drilling performance potential. Download the full product literature from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-literature/FlexRig-Fleet-International.pdf. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas
2 months ago
Secure working environment in the Oil and Gas Industry We know that energy exposures provide a significant amount of threat to a worker on a drilling rig. We also know it is important to have strong processes in place to help mitigate our exposure to energy as we Actively C.A.R.E. for ourselves and others. Mitigating these risks requires the development and refinement of robust processes and procedures, with worker input being key to ensure effectiveness and adherence. As the industry continues to evolve, so too must our commitment to safety, reflected in evolving processes, policies, and training practices. I invite you to prioritize worker safety and foster a culture of continuous improvement, to effectively combat energy exposures and create a safer working environment for all. Your active participation is instrumental in combating energy exposures and, most importantly, creating a secure working environment that empowers all in the oil and gas industry. Safety & Responsibility Click here for LO/TO/TO Safety Moment Slides: https://h-p.canto.com/s/HV8Q0?viewIndex=0 Click here for Safeguarding the Workforce: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/safeguarding-the-workforce-controlling-and-removing-energy-exposures-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry?_gl=1*1gxbmfk*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Lock-Out, Tag-Out, Try-Out Click here for LO/TO/TO RSMT Handout: https://h-p.canto.com/s/HV8Q0?viewIndex=0 Click here for LO/TO/TO Reference Card: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/LOTOTO-Tally-Book-Insert.pdf?_gl=1*z7b0lx*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Read out the full HSE Blog here: https://info.helmerichpayne.com/hse/secure-working-environment-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry Reach out to our Sales Representative here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas
2 months ago
H&P 2023 Sustainability Highlights When we talk about Actively C.A.R.E.™ (controlling and removing exposures), that can often be interpreted as only focusing on exposures that can harm people on the job. Actively C.A.R.E. is more than that. It encompasses how we approach our relationships, the way we work and the future we hope to leave behind. In this months’ newsletter we are specifically focusing on what we can do to care for our environment. H&P 2023 Sustainability Highlights: - Reduced normalized Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by ~3.7% in FY2023 - Achieved 64% of active rigs running below 30% average excess engine hours (saves fuel) - Reduced normalized emissions intensity per distance drilled by ~25% compared to baseline of FY2018 - 5,770 employees completed Environmental and Emergency Response Trainings - Our North America Solutions fleet drilled around 20% more distance than in 2018, but used around 20% fewer rigs We have made tremendous strides over the past two years in reducing our emissions intensity. In 2024, we continue our focus on emissions intensity with an updated goal intended to continue our achievements made year over year. Additionally, we announced a new long-term target intended on reducing our emissions intensity by 30% by 2030 (as compared to 2018). We also continue to focus on other environmental matters, such as spills, chemicals management, and fluid transfers. I urge you to remain good stewards of the environment by staying vigilant in inspecting your equipment for possible leaks and ensuring that procedures are followed when performing fluid transfers. As we move forward in improving lives through efficient and affordable energy, we must continue to be diligent in our efforts to reduce the impact on the environment and conduct operations in a sustainable way. "We are committed to improving lives through efficient and responsible energy" 2023 Sustainability Report Click here to know more: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/HP_2023_Sustainability_Report.pdf?_gl=1*1m8bz0k*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Safety & Responsibility Safety Moment: Spill Prevention - https://h-p.canto.com/s/NH299?viewIndex=0 Spill Prevention & Response Handout: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/HAZWOPER-the-SPCC-RSMT.pdf?_gl=1*1ybhly4*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. Engine Management Article: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/sustainable-sustainability-sometimes-simple-is-better?_gl=1*1ybhly4*_gcl_au*NzUzOTc1OTQyLjE3MzA3MjEyNTM. To know more, read out the full HSE news here: https://info.helmerichpayne.com/hse/hp-2023-sustainability-highlights. Contact us to reach out to our Sales Representative: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #productliterature
3 months ago
The significance of coaching and mentorship at H&P If you’re familiar with H&P, then you know that we take our commitment to HSE seriously. The evolution and advancement of our safety practices year over year extend beyond procedures and processes; they are deeply rooted in our personal employee-to-employee coaching and mentorship. As an industry, the role mentors play cannot be emphasized enough. Recognizing that much of the expertise newer employees acquire comes from their seasoned counterparts and that the importance of on-the-job training is a fundamental part of the drilling industry. It's important to note that mentorship transcends our rig operations; in reality, everyone, whether in an office, shop, or on a rig, likely encounters a mentor at some point in their career. Acknowledging the significance of mentorship, H&P continuously innovates to enhance and support our mentoring processes. This month's newsletter features two resources aimed at facilitating the coaching and mentoring of employees. While our program undeniably adds substantial value, it's essential to recognize that at its core, a mentor/mentee relationship thrives on individuals Actively CAREing for one another. If you haven't already considered it, I urge you to find a way to become a mentor to someone who could benefit from your experience and knowledge. Conversely, I encourage you to find someone who would teach and challenge you and ask if they would be a mentor to you. The Coaching Guide originated in 2018 as part of a campaign to equip our Drilling Superintendents and HSE staff with additional tools and skills for coaching employees in the field. Recognizing the diverse skill sets among supervisors and managers, we aimed to support the development of these skills and provide a reference guide. Since its release, the guide has undergone updates to align with our core values and behaviors. Presently, we distribute these guides to new managers and employees seeking to enhance their people leadership skills. By sharing this, we hope it can serve as an additional resource to empower your own leaders. Safety is personal and it’s our job to Actively C.A.R.E. for one another. Click here to download the coaching guide: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/Coaching-Guide-2023.pdf?_gl=1*w4p09n*_gcl_au*ODIzMDY4MTgyLjE3MjI5NDE3NTg. Click here to download the mentorship guide: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/general/HP-Mentoring-101_2023.pdf?_gl=1*w4p09n*_gcl_au*ODIzMDY4MTgyLjE3MjI5NDE3NTg. Communication & Personalization - Making Safety Personal Click here to view the “Holding each other accountable” full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6L1jPfl2uc Click here to view the “mentorship for tubular handling” full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orB2TWblu-s Read out the full HSE Blog here: https://info.helmerichpayne.com/hse/the-significance-of-coaching-and-mentorship-at-hp #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas
Holding Each Other Accountable is Actively CAREing
4 months ago
“Blue 42! Blue 42! Set!” The Evolution of PPE in the Drilling Industry Friday night lights… tailgating Saturdays… and of course, armchair quarterbacking Sundays. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Now, imagine if your favorite football team had to play a championship game with the same gear they used a century ago. The game would be drastically different—less safe, less efficient, and much more dangerous. Similarly, the evolution of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the drilling industry has transformed its safety and effectiveness over the years. Just as football gear has advanced from simple leather helmets to sophisticated, high-tech armor, PPE has undergone significant changes to better protect our most valuable asset: our people. In the high-stakes game of drilling operations, PPE can be considered our “prevent defense” against various risks and exposures. From the protective helmets that guard against falling objects to the flame-resistant clothing that shields workers from intense heat, each piece of PPE plays a crucial role in minimizing injuries and helping ensure that every worker can stay in the game and make it home safely to their families. So, let’s suit up, lace up your cleats (or steel-toed boots in our case) and get ready to dive into the history and game-changing advancements in PPE that are making a significant impact on safety in the drilling industry. Hard Hats: From Canvas to Polyethylene The story of hard hats begins with the Hard-Boiled Hat from Bullard, crafted from steamed canvas, glue, leather, and black paint. This early version, named from its steam-based manufacturing process, was a rudimentary precursor to the hard hats we have today. Over the decades, hard hat compositions have changed, manufactured from aluminum, fiberglass, thermoplastics, and currently polyethylene plastics, which are both durable and lightweight. Eye Protection: From Glass to Polycarbonate In the mid-20th century, eye protection primarily consisted of glass or hard resin lenses, which, while protective, were quite brittle, presenting a secondary hazard. The rigid design of early eyewear was heavy, and not particularly comfortable or aesthetically pleasing. A turning point came in 1979 when the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) revised its standards, allowing for more varied designs, as long as they passed impact tests. Around the same time, polycarbonate – a lightweight, highly impact-resistant material – was introduced. From the 1980s up to present day, polycarbonate lenses became the standard, offering superior protection without the added weight. Continued innovations and improvements in durability, comfort, and design have significantly reduced the risk of eye injuries, transforming eye protection from cumbersome to cutting-edge. Gloves: From Leather to Impact Resistant Working in the field requires hand use nearly constantly, and the evolution of gloves reflects the diverse hazards of the modern workplace. The first patented work glove dates back to 1896, with early designs primarily featuring leather for basic protection. As workplace hazards became more varied, gloves evolved to include materials and designs tailored to specific risks. Chemical-resistant gloves are used to protect workers from hazardous chemicals. Heat-resistant gloves are used to protect workers from high temperatures and open flames, and electrician gloves are designed to protect workers from electric shock. Advances in materials have led to impact, cut, and puncture-resistant gloves that greatly reduce the severity of injuries. Modern gloves not only protect but also provide improved dexterity and comfort for extended use. Fall Protection: From Belts to Harnesses As working at heights became more common in the oilfield, fall protection equipment became necessary. The introduction of fall protection began with body belts and lanyards in the 1970s and 80s. Read out the full HSE News here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/blue-42blue-42-setthe-evolution-of-ppe-in-the-drilling-industry. Download the article of the same from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-highlights/Evolution-of-PPE_082124-5.pdf. And contact us to get in touch with us: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #helmerichandpayne #drillingtechnology #rigcontractoroilandgas #drillingautomation #drillingrigcontractoroilandgas #automateddirectionaldrilling