This is exactly the reason why I wouldn't consider voting let alone become a member of the UK Green Party!
UK Green Party to suspend members who sign Women’s Declaration!
Motion by Green Party smears Gender Critical feminists "extremists funded by the far-right."
UK Green Party to Suspend Members Who Sign Women’s Declaration
Motion by Green Party calls Gender Critical feminists "extremists funded by the far-right."
Adele's snub to 'virtue-signalling' record label chiefs and 'woke' LA
Her declaration while collecting Artist of the Year at the 02 Arena sparked uproarious cheers from the audience and viewers at home took to social media to say: 'Thank GOD she has said it'.
Laurie Penny writes a book about how to deliver change while actual feminists are getting their hands dirty!
"Penny believes that “trans women are women” and therefore should be able to share prison wings, changing rooms and hospital wards with females"
"The feminists currently labelled 'TERFs' and 'SWERFs' are those who have changed laws"
Penny for your thoughts | Julie Bindel | The Critic Magazine
I wanted to like Sexual Revolution: Modern Fascism and the Feminist Fightback, the new book from millennial writer Laurie Penny, mainly because I believe we need as wide a range of feminist theory...