

3 years ago
Activist hero Keira Bell seeking permission to appeal to the UK Supreme Court to overturn landmark ruling! Detransitioned activist takes war on puberty blockers to Supreme Court: Woman, 24, who regrets changing gender at 16 launches last ditch bid to overturn landmark ruling allowing NHS clinic to give hormone drugs to teens! #KeiraBell #GenderClinic #PubertyBlockers #HormoneDrugs #SupremeCourt #NHS #Tavistock https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10060533/Detransitioned-activist-takes-war-puberty-blockers-Supreme-Court.html
4 years ago
It's as everybody feared; Tavistock gender clinic ‘converting’ gay children. A gay psychologist who worked at the NHS’s only gender transition clinic for children spoke of his fears that the clinic was running “conversion therapy for gay kids”. #Tavistock #tavistockclinic #NHS #genderclinic #trans #gay #conversiontherapy #ConvertingGayKids #SoniaAppleby #DrMattBristow https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tavistock-gender-clinic-converting-gay-children-tz8cs77p3