

2 years ago
Gmat Focus Edition The GMAT exam is designed to test your fitness in the business world, and its various challenges, problems, and solutions. Let us look at what GMAC, the testing agency of GMAT has to say about this, “The GMAT exam is designed to test skills that are highly important to business and management programs. It assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, along with the data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning skills that are vital to real-world business and management success.” While the spirit of the exam remains the same, there are some modifications that you must pay attention to, which we have been notified in 2023. Change is permanent in life, a philosophy you must remember while preparing for the GMAT. Change 1: What’s cut, what’s added The original GMAT has an Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section, or the essay section. The new GMAT or the GMAT focus has done away with this section. Now it only has three sections, which include quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, and integrated reasoning. In addition, there will be one data insight question. Read more: https://thembaedge.com/blogs/gmat-focus-edition-the-mba-edge/ #gmat #gmatexam #gmatfocus #mbaconsultingservices #thembaedge