

2 years ago
Ready To Cook Millet Food - FoodResearchLab The Food Research Lab develops mouth-watering and wholesome food and the ready-to-cook millet is an example of the products formulated. Formulation of the ready to eat millet upma with no preservatives. The millets used are pre-gelatinised at a particular time and temperature range so that it can be cooked easily and quickly making it the best ready to cook millet mix on the go. Read more: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/our-reference-projects/ready-to-cook-millet-food/ #mille #millets #readytoeat #readytocook #upma #food #readytocookmillet #milletmix #instantmix #foodproduct #foodresearch #foodresearchlab
2 years ago
Formulation of Instant Coconut Dips/Sause Powder - FoodResearchLab The Food Research Lab global Contract R&D had formulated the Instant dips/Sause powder which is ready to mix and consume. The product made from tray drying had flavor and aroma grated coconut and had good sensorial score. More info: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/insights/inside-the-lab/instant-coconut-powder/ #coconut #coconutdips #coconutsause #sause #instantmix #readytomix #food #coconutpowder #foodproduct #foodformulation #foodproductdevelopment #newfoodproduct #foodR&D #foodproducts