

2 years ago
Join Webinar on Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act During the last week, the Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act was filed in both Houses of Congress. While it will need to be refiled next session, this creates massive momentum for consumer protection, and it shows the bureaucratic opponents of kratom that our community is committed to ensuring science dictates kratom policy. We understand there are a lot of questions around the potential bill, so we didn't want to wait any longer before holding a webinar to provide more details, possible outcomes, and impacts of legislation. So we encourage you to make some time tomorrow, Tuesday December 27th at 9pm EST for a brief webinar on the newly filed Federal KCPA bill. #AmericanKratomAssociation #KCPA #kratom #KratomConsumer #KratomConsumerProtectionAct #KratomProtectors #KratomWarriors https://kratomlords.com/american-kratom-association/join-webinar-on-federal-kratom-consumer-protection-act/
2 years ago
Kratom and Grapefruit Juice Kratom naturally has a bitter earthy taste that is not palatable to most users. However, grapefruit juice can help you enjoy your kratom consumption experience. Most experienced users use kratom and grapefruit juice to help them save on the product. https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/kratom-and-grapefruit-juice/ #KratomandJuice #kratomgrapefruit #grapefruit #KratomConsumer #KratomConsumption #kratomnews #kratomresearch #mixkratom #kratompowder #kratomtea
2 years ago
Is kratom the answer to the opioid crisis or the start of a new one? Kratom user testimonial. Thousands Say Kratom Cured Their Addiction. The Government Says It’s Just Another Opioid. #kratom #opioidcrisis #addictions #kratomeffects #kratomban #kratombusiness #whatiskratom #kratomconsumer #kratomtestimonials https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/is-kratom-answer-opioid-crisis/
2 years ago
Kratom-Pharmacology, Clinical Implications and Deep Review The prevalence of kratom use appears to be increasing in Europe and North America, raising concerns for its possible development into a significant public health threat. The body of scientific literature concerning kratom is expanding, but has not yet sufficiently characterized the nature and extent of the potential risks posed by kratom. There is an increasing need for healthcare providers to be familiar with kratom and the management of patients who abuse it. #kratom #kratomuse #kratomconsumer #kratomscience #kratomnews #kratomresearch #Opioid #Stimulant #kratomlegality #kratomsupplement #kratompharmacology #clinicalimplications https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/kratom-pharmacology-clinical-implications-and-deep-review/
3 years ago
7 Best Tips To Make Kratom Tea Starting the morning with a cup of tea has become a ritual for so many people. It makes you feel refreshed and energized. Instead of taking the regular tea, switching with Kratom tea may offer you several health benefits. What is kratom tea? What is kratom tea for? and tips to make the best kratom tea as alternative to the more common method of taking kratom, Toss and wash. Can a cup of Kratom brew make you feel ready to face the world? Are you interested in knowing the answer? #kratom #kratomtea #tealovers #kratompowder #kratomconsumer #alternative #health https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/7-best-tips-to-make-kratom-tea/