

2 years ago
New Jersey Senators Target Kratom with New Bill A new bill in NJ proposes regulations for the sale of kratom, a currently-unregulated herbal supplement, and warns of its potential dangers. Two senators seek to regulate the sale of kratom and make sure New Jersey retailers label it properly. #kratombill #KratomCapsules #KratomExtracts #kratomnewjersey #kratominNJ #kratomlegality #KratomPowder #KratomRegulations #kratomsale #NJsenators #regulatekratom #kratomsale https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/nj-senators-seek-regulate-kratom-sale/
2 years ago
Florida House Approves Kratom Regulation Bill. The Florida House of Representatives has voted 114-0 to approve a bill that would regulate the sale of kratom, a plant with opioid- and stimulant-like effects. #KCPA #KratomConsumerProtector #Kratomflorida #Kratomregulation #Floridahouse #Kratomsale #Kratomplant https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/florida-passes-kratom-consumer-protection-act/