Swim caps are a way to stay safer in the water. They improve swimmers' safety and confidence in the water by making them more visible and easier to spot if there is a problem. Find out the benefits of swim caps and the best type to look for before your kids dive into the water.
Visit: https://njswim.com/the-importance-of-swim-caps-for-kids/#swimcaps#swimclasses#swimlesson#njswim
The Importance of Swim Caps for Kids - Njswim
Swim caps can be a game-changer for your child during pool time. Learn how swim cap makes them safe and confident in water before they cannonball into the pool.
Did you know your child could get smarter and intelligent at an early age? An in-depth study shows children in swim lessons performed significantly better than the typical population in every major milestone. Here are 6 ways swimming makes your baby smarter.
Read the full blog: https://njswim.com/6-ways-to-make-your-baby-smarter/#swimming#baby#smarter#swimschool#njswim
6 Ways to Make Your Baby Smarter - Njswim
6 Ways Swimming Makes Your Baby Smarter… Water Babies is not just a catchy name- It really is true- Water Babies are Smarter Babies! Achieve Developmental Milestones Earlier: Studies show that...
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It's performed immediately after cardiac arrest can double or triple the chances of survival.
Two standard ways to perform CPR:
1. Hands-Only CPR
2. Conventional CPR
To learn more read the what is? And it's the importance of CPR.
Read: https://njswim.com/the-importance-of-cpr-training/#cpr#cprtraining#njswim#importanceofcpr
The Importance of CPR Training - Njswim
CPR helps keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other crucial organs until normal heart rhythm is restored. Thus, investing your time in CPR training is extremely beneficial.
Swim caps can be a game-changer for your child during pool time. Learn how swim cap makes them safe and confident in water before they cannonball into the pool.