Bedsores - Role of Wound Specialists in its Care
Wound specialists play an important role in the care of bedsores. Learn more about how wound specialists can help you manage bedsores and improve patient outcomes.
Bedsores are wounds that occur due to prolonged pressure on your skin. These wounds are common to people who have been immobile for a long time due to prescriptions by doctors. People who are bedridden or in a wheelchair are more prone to bedsores. These bedsores also known as pressure ulcers are painful wounds that can grow large and lead to injections. These can also be life-threatening in some cases. Wound care surgeons provide special care to patients when needed in speeding up their healing journey. These specialists are trained in feeding tube replacement and surgical wound consult services.
Reasons for Bedsores:
Bedsores normally occur when the pressure reduces or cuts off blood flow to your skin. The lack of blood flow can cause a pressure wound injury to develop in the smallest time frame sometimes even in 2.5 hours. Skin cells in the epidermis layer start to die and this is followed by the breakdown of dead cells forming pressure ulcers.
Bedsores are more likely to develop in cases where the pressure is along with moisture (from sweat, urine, or stool), and traction (pulling or stretching of the skin) from sliding down in an inclined bed or wheelchair.
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Bedsores - Role of Wound Specialists in its Care
Wound specialists play an important role in the care of bedsores. Learn more about how wound specialists can help you manage bedsores and improve patient outcomes.
Guidelines for the treatment of pressure ulcers
Get the latest evidence-based guidelines for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. Our comprehensive guide provides up-to-date information on risk factors, diagnosis, and management strategies to help healthcare professionals provide effective care.
Pressure ulcers, referred to as bedsores or pressure sores, are regions of skin injury brought on by persistent pressure. The main goals of pressure ulcer treatment are healing the wound, controlling the discomfort, and avoiding infection. Here are some general guidelines for the treatment of pressure ulcers:
1. Pressure relief: The first step in treating pressure ulcers is to relieve the pressure on the affected area. This may involve changing the patient's position, using unique cushions or mattresses, and avoiding further pressure on the affected area.
2. Wound care: Proper wound care is essential to promote healing and prevent infection. This may include cleaning the wound, removing dead tissue, and applying a dressing or bandage to protect the wound. Many wound care service providers can help you with your wound care at your bedside for better healing.
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Wound Care Tips For Caregivers
Most patients are provided with some level of care & support by their loved ones or family members after getting treated for their chronic wounds. However, in the case of older persons or people with any type of disabilities, every day brings a long list of duties for caregivers.
From cleaning & changing bandages to giving medications, to taking precautions such as using mild soap and water when bathing and applying lotions, it is so overwhelming for the people providing in-home wound care.
As the primary caregiver, the most important job is to prevent infection as it can disrupt the wound healing process and can be life-threatening. To help those caregivers in enabling improved wound care at home, this blog explained some tips.
These tips will help you ensure how to prevent new wounds from forming and take effective care of them. While these suggestions should be useful in many cases, it is recommended to consult with wound care at bedside.
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Wound Care Tips For Caregivers
Most patients are provided with some level of care & support by their loved ones or family members after getting treated for their chronic wounds. Howeve...
How Does Hypertension Affect Pressure Ulcers?
Pressure ulcers or pressure sores or bed sores are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue that occurs due to prolonged pressure on a particular part of the body, especially on the bony parts such as Heels, Elbows, and base of the spine, etc.
It most commonly occurs in patients who spend most of their time in one place. For example, bedridden or confined to a wheelchair or people with other mobility issues, etc. It can develop over hours or days. If they are left untreated, it can lead to severe medical complications such as Infection, Amputation, etc.
Are You Suffering From Any Of These Symptoms?
Here are the warning signs of pressure wounds:
1. Pain or itchiness in the affected area
2. Skin discoloration
3. Swelling
4. Bad odor or drainage from the wound
5. An area of the skin feels cooler or warmer to touch than other areas
6. Redness of the skin
7. Sores on the back, hips, buttocks, etc.
If a patient notices any of these symptoms, he/she should schedule a bedside appointment with a wound doctor.
Read more: #woundhealingexperts
How Does Hypertension Affect Pressure Ulcers?
Are hypertension ie. high blood pressure & wound healing associated with each other? How high BP affects the healing of pressure ulcers. Read our blog to know the details.
Latest & Advanced Wound Care Technologies Everyone Needs To Know
Chronic, non-healing wounds are a worldwide health issue right now. Talking about the United States alone, more than 8 million Americans are suffering from various types of chronic wounds while the cost of healing these wounds is between $18.1 and $96.8 billion per year for the national health care system. But what are those?
A chronic or non-healing wound is an open, deep wound that doesn’t heal properly within months and can cause serious complications such as infection or amputation if left untreated. They can be extremely painful for the patients and hereby these wounds require advanced medical care & attention by wound care experts.
Our human body can heal minor wounds such as cuts, scrapes or punctures, etc. But when a wound takes a longer time to heal with traditional medical approaches or becomes infected, it is a sign of a chronic wound. Common chronic wounds include diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, and many more. Diabetes, old age, and obesity are some of the factors that increase the risk of the development of non-healing ulcers. Therefore, advanced medical care is required.
Incorporating Advanced Wound Care Technologies
If a patient’s chronic ulcers refuse to heal within 6 weeks, doctors must reconsider the treatment plan and determine all the factors which are contributing to the slow healing of wounds. Some of these complications may include the presence of biofilm or infection or any other underlying medical conditions. Once an appropriate treatment plan is prepared, various advanced wound care technologies can be incorporated that support better healing.
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Latest & Advanced Wound Care Technologies Everyone Needs To Know
Chronic, non-healing wounds are a worldwide health issue right now. Talking about the United States alone, more than 8 million Americans are suffering from various types of chronic wounds while the...
When To Call For A Wound Care Specialist?
If a patient is suffering from a chronic, non-healing wound, a visit to a wound care specialist is a must for them. Chronic, non-healing wounds are those that are painful and take six to eight weeks to heal with the traditional wound healing process. These types of wounds need advanced wound care and medical attention to lessen the risk of further severe complications, for example, infection, or even amputation, etc.
In this article, we are explaining when a patient should see a wound care specialist and why a proper wound care program is essential for effective recovery. Let’s take a look:
When To Seek Help From A Wound Care Specialist?
The human body is capable of treating and healing a wound itself from any kind of outside injury, and not every wound requires special medical treatment. Wounds that have occurred due to an injury can be treated by primary health care providers while in case of more serious wounds, a trip to the hospital or health care centers may be required, followed by the care given at home. However, if you see any signs of infection in the wound site, for example, redness, severe pain, foul odor, fever, or swelling, you should seek wound care treatment in California.
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When To Call For A Wound Care Specialist?
If a patient is suffering from a chronic, non-healing wound, a visit to a wound care specialist is a must for them. Chronic, non-healing wounds are those that are painful and take six to eight...