

1 year ago
In a world where tech evolves by the nanosecond, staying ahead is no longer an option; it's a necessity! As we navigate through the digital age, it's crucial to keep an eye on the horizon to anticipate the groundbreaking changes that will shape the future. Let's dive into these groundbreaking predictions together! #Jaspercolin #TechPredictions #FutureTech #InnovationAhead #cloudcomputing #AI #zerotrust #ARVR #quantumcomputing
2 years ago
Yearlong project to explore the development of quantum-derived algorithms for improved aircraft loading experiences #IonQ #Airbus #aviation #QuantumComputing #QuantumMachineLearningproject #cargoloading #cargo #reducedfuelconsumption #aerodynamics #aerospaceindustry #pandemic #supplychain #airplanemanufacturers #aircraftproduction #aviationindustry #aviationsustainabilitytargets #quantumsystems #HyundaiMotors #EVbatteries #objectdetection #MicrosoftAzureQuantum #quantum #cloud https://www.stattimes.com/aviation/ionq-airbus-sign-agreement-to-collaborate-on-aircraft-loading-project-using-quantum-computing-1346287