

1 week ago
The container ship order book hit a record high of 8.3 million TEUs at the end of 2024 compared with the previous high of 7.8 million TEUs in 2023. #BIMCO #China #containership #orderbook #containershiporderbook #shipping #ships https://www.logupdateafrica.com/shipping/container-ship-order-book-hits-record-high-of-83mn-teus-1354192
1 week ago
As 4.4 million TEUs were contracted during 2024, the second highest ever, the order book grew despite deliveries hitting a new record high of 2.9 million TEUs, according to the latest update from BIMCO. #BIMCO #China #containership #orderbook #containershiporderbook #shipping #ships https://www.itln.in/shipping/container-ship-order-book-hits-record-high-of-83mn-teus-bimco-1354193
2 years ago
Maersk orders six methanol-powered vessels #APMollerMaersk #Maersk #YangzijiangShipbuildingGroup #netzero #vesselorders #RababBoulos #methanolenabledvessels #China #ships #dualfuelengines #greenhousegasemissions #greenfuels #fossilfuels #biodiesel #roadtransport #EURenewableEnergyDirective #futurefuels #methanol #GHGreductions https://www.logupdateafrica.com/shipping/maersk-orders-six-methanol-powered-vessels-1349088
Capacity on Far East-U.S. West Coast down 13%: Xeneta The average capacity offered from the Far East to the U.S. West Coast has fallen to its lowest since February in the past four weeks, according to the latest update from Xeneta. "Over this period, an average of 275,000 TEU has left the Far East heading for the U.S. West Coast, about 50,000 TEU less than the peak in early August." #ships #Shipping #ShippingNews #Xeneta #news #breakingnews https://www.itln.in/shipping/capacity-on-far-east-us-west-coast-down-13-xeneta-1346514